CHOICES, you would make; “love or money”; is yours/ mine/ or ours? | QUESTIONS, you would ask; “hate or forgiveness”? None are perfect./ who are you |
VALUES you would shape; “we would share by caring/ respecting/ dividing/ responsibilities” how? | RESPECT: you demand; “my work/ my choice”. IS this fair? Who does get to decide and why? |
HEALTH you need to know; I need to know; “will you hurt me”. Because the world has sexual and other disease. | FAMILY IS, as you need it to be; “how much is too much”. What do you need or want life to be? Time is the difference of what we can share. |
HAPPINESS, by your definition; “the value of living requires of me or you”; what does your heart say? Does sex live here, explain. | RELIGION, as your own definition is to be; “what do you want to believe”/ or is faith, let truth decide; enough? |
MEASURES taken by you, with regard to others; “is life equal/ even if not the same”: is justice, fair play a choice. Or do you know better; and must judge who? | “searching for life and society”/ politics, law, living, death, etc. Seeking solutions among ourselves. Information to prepare you for joining honestly, in these conversations. |
These are “choice colors” to identify which specific type of conversation; do you desire most? And becomes a color on your badging. Gold indicates all of the above in critical group/ while silver indicates all of the above in the complex conversation group. Pmp and pnp will have no color added/ unless requested as a dot.
Choice of badge/ name tags occurs here. below