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Happiness is a decision to accept

Participating in time, with a human body; requires that we do identify with what the body is doing. Because it is our connection with time. Time is a measurement of motion, and therefore we measure life by its motion and attention to influences that can make us value or not...

IGNITE what we need to know

The cult of university knows: GAMBLES with all life on earth, 8.2 billion human lives/ all life/ and all future life/ and even the planet itself: ARE BEING GAMBLED; by those who claim “they can see inside the sun/ and know everything; they need to know”. BUT WRONG IS: their...

Evaluating life

There are, “foundation in life”/ the values, shapes, motions, and respect identified by reality that prove to be, “the best we can be”. But that requires a mental decision which then becomes the quest for truth, as then does drive us into the destiny we have chosen. Truth is the...

Failure makes government a game

IT IS THE LAW of this USA, that there is REDRESS of grievances according to the first amendment of our government “the contract of our unity: constitutional law governs us”. REDRESS is the removal of civil war/ by the legal defense: of bringing our leaders into court, identifying what is...

How addiction works inside of you

ADDICTED; realities beyond the simple truth of a choice. Mental health and stability is built upon JUST ONE distinct reality: “that you respect life and world”/ as more than any human will understand. Mental insanity is built upon the certainty; “belief allows, you know everything you need to know”. Mental...

The rules and realities of governing ourselves

“the living brain: means life matters more than want”. “the animal brain: means want matters more than life”. DO you see the difference: “because universities do not”! And have led us all along the road of our own destruction; by altering what works for life, into what they believe, will...

The critical costs of living

LIFE, needs change. Reality demands that truth must define a different solution/ but that is irrelevant, unless hope remains for life and the living of those who must change to save this world. So, life says: “we begin with hope, and when that is accomplished; we accept that the price...

we cannot pay what our leaders spend

OR AS IS the fantasies of university leadership (they trained them all/ and are the experts; never to be questioned; ask any court); WHAT REAL WORLD NUMBERS WOULD BUY? Answer; the claimed the entire world “a thousand times over”/ so there could be plenty of money for universities, and their...

Revelation 12 & 17 come true

Of realities and truths; it is elemental to understand that all concept of a “spiritual woman” is contrary to human definitions. “they don't exist” is the constant, and with definable cause/ as little or no evidence exists to support the claim. Reality demands: “this is an elevation of; beyond time”/...

This is a finite world

We do stand “at the door of destiny”, in this day and time on earth. Not because I write it; but because there is endless arrogance, apathy, and disrespect for both life and world. As every cost of making life into a game; has become filled with consequences which cannot...