The foundation of all life is truth, without truth relationships die, the earth itself dies, nations die, everything eventually dies. It is not immediate, because the complexity of life is able to adjust for a time, by compensating the value of existence with the sacrifice of what is needed most....
Armageddon is/ means-nature in chaos
The biblical apocalypse: is a war so vicious and so desperate, that rivers of blood are predicted. Reviewed for reality; the only thing that creates that type of desperation is the knowledge, WE ARE out of water/ and have only two days, to get more; before our bodies can no...
The foundation of our survival as a world; is in jeopardy.
The foundation of our survival as a world; is in jeopardy. Because unlike any other time in the history of this earth; humanity has swelled to a point of overrunning nature. And causing nature itself to die. As we are too many people to sustain what we are doing to...
The apocalypse: means war for water!
A primary consideration of this time is: the production of drinking water/ as reality has proven, this will be needed. 22 million people in Mexico city/ are expected to run out of water this 2024 fall. The apocalypse: means war for water! The most common of all methods we are...