Life Elementally

Life Elementally


Life “elementally”.

TIME IS, the expression of your truth. The consequences of your decisions, or the realities imposed by the decisions of others.

TO INTERFERE with life, is to interfere with eternity.

The difference: LIFE explains living as the basis of freedom by choices you will make.

TIME expresses your choice and desire, by the consequences of what that “human truth”, will bring.

Being ALIVE, means: you understand life is being created by your choice; it is no game, and deserves respect.

Being human means: your choice is to want “comes with its own behaviors”/ rather than trusting in life itself, is the value you search for.

Our experience is then created by our own decisions, to live within the essence of truth itself/ or discover that want has a road of its own; where humanity forms “as a herd/ seeking leaders (give us what we want_)”.

The consequence of want is: to divide yourselves from life, by believing in whatever you want or don’t want to, from existence, be true.

Fundamentally truth is: the laws which will keep us all alive on earth; and protect our lives/ our existence within the truth of miracles that acknowledge the gift of respect, is our duty.

Our choice is: by the freedoms a human body can, will, or refuse to obey, our own destiny is chosen.

Destiny is: the search for value, by the acceptance of truth, trusting truth shall decide: and our own acknowledgment of “foundational respect”.

No respect means: your life has chosen to be isolated from truth, because you do not trust its value, from inside your heart.

HEART means: “happiness, was found here; with you”. Whether that be another person, or any other participation with miracles of life in this existence on earth.

Love means: the value of our mutual decision to share and care, has been born! Whether we live with respect for each other/ is your own decision. But only truth will survive what existence demands from us both.

SPIRIT means: entry into the laws which govern eternity. It is not free, but by invitation only: where every lie will be removed. ONLY TRUTH shall survive/ and that includes “you”. OR, when you die, from time itself/ as life is confronted with reality.

Death means: the body is abandoned; its time on earth as your life is over/ and will be recycled so another can try. Pride and power will be removed forever; “one direction or the other”/ is now the choice of your truth.

Death means: LIFE is now separated from time, as is the evidence of body. Choice has ended.

Eternity describes the formations of force, which grant thought shall remain among the living. Because the freedom of thought is elementally governed by its existence in truth.

We share existence, “WITH our CREATOR”!

IF, the truth of your value allows that to be so.

EXISTENCE beyond time means; we have inherited life. Which is to be understood as every truth has a consequence. And we MUST carefully choose what will become of our own contribution “to this family of life”. OR, you will be denied participation with the rest/ unless you learn.

LOVE is a value beyond measure, but it does not seek chaos; as humans do. Purity is required of you.

Every truth has a consequence, including you. Therefore judgment (the end of your participation here), does exist. Even beyond the point of no return, where isolation begins.

THE LAW IS; no want, nor even love shall decide a judgment; ONLY TRUTH does that. Because nothing less than truth is eternal. Therefore we DO understand: “purity matters”.

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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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