LET’S TALK ETERNITY, “just a bit”.
Nothing in life suggests the need for truth, more than those three words. Because nothing is more certain than life and death/ the cost of death is eternal, and that makes it even more important than life itself. Therefore we should learn, as best we can: what the destiny beyond time can be?
JESUS provides some incite (life); and while there are other religions and their own conclusions about life or death. It is JESUS that references “life is about love, respect, hope, heart, truth, trust, soul, and even more”. That then creates a foundation given by love, to conceive of hope beyond time. It is my choice: to accept love/ rather than hate. To accept destiny: rather than animal and its want. So my life recognizes: that the death of JESUS, was used to separate love from hate/ and animal from both. Providing to humanity the dignity of learning we do have a choice, even when our reality is given a cost that is completely unfair.
Separate from religion of all kinds: or even the identity of love itself. We examine the essence of truth, and find that it is thought which gives us all life. Because thought is what recognizes “being ALIVE”; does in fact exist. Therefore thought is life, and life is then thought; with or without a body to function as our role of existence, produced by your own choices in time.
We do understand: that only truth survives/ nothing less can. Therefore we know that truth will become the environment of our lives or living beyond the edge of time ends here as is death. Consequently the purity of that truth, and what it means to life or death; shall become identified by what does in fact survive beyond death of a body. Your choices are your identity of truth did this/ chose this, in me. What has value can then be conceived of as: the possibilities, created in truth.
Trust extends from truth into the environment of what we accept to be our destiny. So the question is: where does your own thought limit or create the boundaries that will then enclose you/ from a universe you cannot survive?
We ask of thought: is it merciful to let love be enclosed by its own truth? Or destroyed by its own wants? The answer is: love itself will decide that. Whereas truth decides what happens with less.
We ask of forces which entitle energy to exist: WHAT can become of those who live beyond self, and inherit the right to be truly freed, within a universe they can survive? The answer is: when defined by force, it is the law that creates boundaries and limits which you must not defy.
So then with respect for the miracles of our existence; guiding each one who searches for life/ into the discovery of life and law through love. It is love that becomes the treasury of this universe. Providing to each one who earns it, an opportunity to be true to life itself; where GOD does live.
Hope refines this living in the purity of trust, as a decision to accept: we are each, more than time. The heart learns, “happiness is here”, as the dignity of truth identifies who does belong; to each his or her own. Trusting love will be our home, creates the foundations which will become our home.
Therefore the search for deliverance from time, and all its troubles; is built upon love, and identified in you; by your own truth. Thought selects these truths, and becomes your participation in purity.
Thought identifies freedom, and your existence being told of that freedom chooses its truth.
Then comes the accompaniment of forces, limits, boundaries, laws, environments, choices beyond time, and where your heart belongs.
Of things to be learned: forces lock humanity in either male or female existence/ thought cannot change that; because male is the opposite force of female. Therefore we are what we are, like it or not. While that is true, it is also true that male does not understand anything about female existence/ and as such it is a certainty female does not understand anything about being male either; even though both state “yes I can”. It is not so.
However, as with me: if you attain the “pinnacle truth, of being male”/ the cost of being male, is defined by war/ if you come to the end of time for humanity, and recognize the abyss which separates time from life itself. THEN, If sent back “not done yet”/ then you must face existence “from the opposite view” of living. It is no simple thing to survive truth! Or more distinctly, forces end at that abyss/ and turning around means the opposite “entanglement of force, beyond self”, will be required of you. It is not a game. However male joined to female has provided solutions and insight which are beyond the capabilities or either; and granted the development of “a new life” for this world.
But only when or if you accept it is the law, and love: which guides us back to life/ NOT want, pride, power, or hate. All other is extinction of this world. No, you are not measured: except by your own truth of love. The body has no true value, it is abandoned: as with death, proves this true.
And the world says: YOU CANNOT KNOW/ therefore you are a liar.
But my only reply to you is: thought is an environment created by life/ and it exists within life; and it is life which decides what you are allowed to honor with wisdom. Life is not a toy, but a truth separated from the body/ just as death separates you from time. Within thought, the environment of life, we are allowed to express our truth, and justify our search as important to this world. Therefore elements of trust are created, and the doors open to those who cherish the truth.
Unfortunately force is not so inviting; and if you cross the line/ where none are allowed, or intended to go. It seems clear, “I have to stay”. Even so, an entire world of life, is not a choice/ but a need. Extinction is not a game, either; it is your future without true change. Because this world cannot, now survive what you do.
As to death itself: although the question CANNOT be dealt with as a reality of time. It can become an element of knowledge, by understanding the process of dying. When time is removed, it creates a vacuum of law. As is all order and discipline will be removed. What is left becomes your environment of self; as is different than your environment of time as a body. Self describes the truth of “love/ want/ or hate”; as you explain it. Therefore the direction you can and will go is elementally the knowledge of understanding, which you seek most. Love invites life to begin. Want circles in the septic tank of pride and power. While hate is redefined as a war against Creation and its Creator; for letting you live. Each has its own distinct consequence.
As to the living; I will provide one single piece of advise. Simply: when going to the “bathroom”; and it requires push. DO NOT push if your brain is experiencing any pressures/ it should not. Which means the valve in your neck has not fully seated to protect you from a stroke/ or its cousin which is migraine headaches. Simply wait until all things are normal/ or if that is not happening right now/ then wait, until the problem “takes care of itself”.
In all other matters as may arise due to this writing: UNDERSTAND CLEARLY, I AM NOT your savior, priest, guru, expert, enemy, or anything else you might consider. Just plain human, with an extra dimension from the spiritual world; that is “female too”. ITS COMPLICATED.
Its NOT gay/ NOT transvestite/ NOT lesbian; or any other perversion! Its just a need to understand what male could not: that we have to let female try to lead/ even if they fail. Men have already chosen extinction; as is war/ because they do not let LAW become their final answer to living on earth. THIS is actually predicted in the bible (WHICH is not the old testament)/ as Revelation 12; 1-2 and 17; 3.
the prediction is: that women will decide the end of life/ or the beginning of a new world order by law. The bible of revelation: is divided into two distinct parts: first eleven chapters is what happens with male remaining in charge. The addition of female influences; as begins with chapter 12+, on this earth, support their transition from “less, to equal”, throughout this earth.
I have no clue how it all ends/ not my job.
I suppose, the less distinct consequences of death can be discussed; as you do sit on the edge of extinction itself.
Law allows for truth to become “implanted with life”; as is the environmental step into thought lives here. The lack of order (this is first, and that is next)/ along with the basic removal of timing created by disciplines (which determine how long and how far will the body go). Stops the body from working for you; and the end result is “like a dream”: until that stops too. The body dies, and your truth has no law to support its life. It is “only you” will decide now; based upon the choices you made in living with time. What is critical, is your purpose for living. The discovery of destiny/ the curse of games/ or the hate of war.
The law which governs our existence, identifies your own truth by the spiritual demand (an environment dedicated to removing lies): all things not true, shall be removed.
The critical quest is desire: a distinct of needs. What do you truly accept, as the purpose of your own eternity? While scoffers will shout and scream “not true”/ the reality of truth remains the same: only truth can survive. Therefore wrong is: tragic.
So the question is: HOW, can we know, without doubts, that eternity is real/ every truth has a consequence. Or every law that allows for life, will be kept? The answer is: “only thought survives beyond time”, as is envisioned by every miracle of life, you see on earth. Without thought there is no recognition of life, and without life being recognized; there is no will to live. So the decision that exhibits and controls the outcome of our existence: is do you desire life, conceived by love itself (not want)/ or, do you not? Because the journey divides in death, and your soul can only take one direction.
Love destroys loneliness, as all who have experienced true love do understand. Therefore in a universe of space and mass, the critical acceptance of life is: “with love, I have found my value in living”. Eternity has merit. Laws exist to identify love! But laws exist to identify hate as well, and separate that forever. Truth exists to identify those who cannot achieve love, and are then “recycled”; so that another can try.
Of these things love is the treasure of living, the essence of where thought belongs “with family”. The search for those who do belong, does not stop.
So the question is: CAN thought survive, even though humanity (as is time measured) cannot? What is the difference? Answer: while things can be measured such as the trip from “New York to Los Angeles”. That says nothing about the life which chose to make the decision to measure out that portion of their own existence; and make a change. Because it is the change, that is human; and every change is decided by thought.
Or more distinctly: although thought is not a body of life moving. It is the decision which makes the body move. Thereby we know, they are separate and distinct from each other. If thought is not a body (the brain functioning to move or measure the body and what it does or does not do for you)/ then it is an existence, given the truth of separation; between form and function. Which completes your individual identity. The body is your vessel, but you are its navigator.
When the vessel drowns to living experience or expression; it is your job to choose to leave with your living (time is over); as life itself, travels back to its Creator. If you do not/ then you are abandoned. Do not look back to time, or you will fail your eternity; because love must be pure enough to survive. Love gave you life, enter your life.
And the people say: “we want what we want”. As every herd does.
But truth says: the animals may not come/ only true love, shall find a home beyond time. That does not mean animals cannot express a love. They can; but without a future defined by thought searching for eternity; where love as exhibited by JESUS is found. They have no path beyond self.
As to me; it has been a complex journey/ redefining life, again and again; as the demand BUT WHY? Continued throughout my time. I would regard most of that living as learning to understand what is true.
However it is entering into the spiritual world; a dangerous place where only truth survives/ that grants the critical choices of what would I choose beyond time? That too, takes a long and continuous journey into truth; as it involves the ascension of what has value in me.
Whether I died to “self” or not; is beyond my comprehension/ it is a judgment, which I refuse to make. It is nonetheless true, faced with a dying world; and no option for life to survive, in male. I did search to ask of female just “one question”; what would you do for life and earth? That had consequences for me, I had no idea would come.
Men choose to create armies to defend themselves from invaders. Because left to battle numerous foes as just one man; rarely ends well. But every army needs a leader/ and every leader decides for war, because fear of one army or the other; overtakes them. Armies exist to enforce compliance; which is do what you are told/ or die. So leaders decide, “to take what they want/ as do most men (hurrah, mine now)”; and history proves what is true.
Women however refuse to identify themselves as an army; because then men can focus on them; and they lose. So they talk, and decide what men should do for them; which rarely succeeds, because men or their leaders, refuse. But that does not mean: women cannot see “a different world”/ that men do not. As is the essence of how can we change the history of this world?
Like me: what you want no longer matters/ truth, of life decides, and planet heals itself, will now decide; with our help. Or you die. A changing world, need not be the enemy; if you accept law is better than want. If you know, that love is better than hate. It is a choice. The herds will end, giving rise to human alive is our choice. Or extinction will follow this message; because you would not care enough: to investigate and prove what is true. As is provided to this USA, by REDRESS, “we the people”, enforced; to prove democracy is not dead!
YOU CANNOT defeat the armies of men: UNLESS YOU BECOME WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD/ now demand law, to protect life and earth; from you, and us. it is your only true choice.
As for me: I am entangled, in a female world. Refused exit, without references to knowledge; what was male continues to completely “for all intents and purposes”, disappear. Leaving a view that is deliberately not male; which can only end with law for life and world; will succeed now/ or extinction will end this world.
The difference being: without REAL: WE THE WORLD, LAW, there is no future. We must accept: “life has changed”! Which means the end of want rules this earth. Too many people; and too many “extinction level events” are coming; so says the evidence, of our truth.
I am not your healer/ not your savior/ not your priest or other: just “human refined a bit”. in order to give you the message: “change NOW; or you will go extinct”. BECAUSE TRUTH cannot survive what you do.
WHY HAS THE EARTH CHANGED? Because humanity now decides, if this is a living world, or a dead world; by their own choices. The evidence knows: LIFE NOR WORLD, can survive what your leadership and choices have done. So the demand to prove: this is not so, falls down to this earth, and to your own choice. Participate for law to protect us all/ or let life and world, go extinct. AS BEST YOU CAN, WHATEVER THAT IS! (we can, all do something; your choice). All the poisons, pollution, weapons of mass destruction, mutilation of nature, intent to ignite atoms on fire, resource depletion, overpopulation, water shortages, genetic alteration of seed, ocean life nearly extinct, global warming, atmospheric detachment from the planet, oxygen depletion, stolen lives by currency counterfeiting, enslavement by debt, and more; all succeed in explaining: “kill a billion people/ and there are still 7.2 billion left”. War is extinction, and that is only the beginning of failure by leadership; as does exist. YOUR WANT, has failed!
The USA trump ANSWER today: “return to hitler leads/ force the immigrant out, and take over life on earth; nothing matters but what we want. Nonetheless we must hope for better, than what the evidence suggests. Whereas those called democrat: screamed “BRIBE US MORE” instead. Both using “the middle class” as their victim. The university answer: FORCE THEM TO BELIEVE; we are their gods/ MAKE THEM FEAR, and they will obey.
GROW UP, OR DIE! but remember this, that “I”, am not the decision you will make (not in any conceivable way; “good/ bad/ or indifferent; is irrelevant”. you have been warned). I am merely a messenger assigned to deliver: truth says, if you do not change your world, will go extinct. NOT because I am better or less; simply because I proved to be willing. It is no game, the evidence is clear.
Unfortunately for humans: the greatest controller of want, is GREED, joined with SELFISHNESS! And it will be these you surrender to survive. OR, it will be these which seal your fate, in the coffin of “its too late now”. Extinction cannot be turned away. To help you: is a world filled with “no reality in this money”/ at all. Only lies!
And the world says: WE DON’T WANT, to make this decision! WE WANT, to continue “without consequences/ for any action or reaction we make”.
But as with poisons, pollution, global warming, population rise, and all the rest: REALITY DOES NOT CARE WHAT YOU WANT. It only offers you, the option to survive/ if you change.
Prove the evidence is not true! Identify, the cost of being WRONG. But understand “like, the sewer of covid”/ the curse of human want, pride, and power; will lie. “a court”/ to make the liar pay. Is mandatory.
I have done, what reality allows for me to do, for you! This job, of life or death for our world; is now yours.
but remember as well: without true population control, down to zero growth or less for this world/ there is no solution at all.
it is women who shall decide that/ if men interfere, the world will die.
You are: “just like me”/ but reality, nor life; does not care what I want either. “complicated”. It is what it is, and I have no choices; what is true for life and world, decides. The critical decision: is a world of life more important “than being male”? The obvious and real answer is; yes the world of life is beyond a measurement of anything/ making male completely irrelevant. And I do accept that; but only in terms of a miracle; I know not how far this goes. Anything less, than life comes first; has no respect for truth. So whatever truth needs, is my gift; back to my Creator.
However; I have no conception of where it all ends, for life or body or eternity/ or what now, is a complete mystery to me. Not female, I have no clue? But life, and the reality of me; is turning that way; removing barriers and denying limits. Especially as my tits continue to grow. Surrounded spiritually, with no chance for escape. Just how it is. Nonetheless, I spent my life in time: to fight for this living world/ and without the balance of female added to me. That fight would have been worthless. Making it: “her turn now”/ no longer mine. I did do, as best my own reality, would allow. Simple as that.
As for me; it is ultimately true, that I have traded places with woman/ and there is no escaping that truth. It is a spiritual thing, brought about by the truth that men have no possibility of saving this world or its life. So, I had to search “the last place” left; which was; the spiritual truth of woman. Both the best (she balanced me, and I finished my work)/ and the worst (she has taken over male; proving “the living realities of female, in history run by male”; of my life.
Whether I elementally died (no longer self) or not; to fully enter the spiritual world, I do not know. What I know is: “she is now the owner, and I am not, of my life in time”. I remain without a clue, as to why? Although It is clear, she intends to mother female life; and use me to do it.
Everyday, I am informed by various means; life is no longer my decision. Biblical predictions from revelation 12; 1-2 indicate “a spiritual woman, bringing knowledge and understanding to this earth (as I have done)/ bringing a new life onto this earth as is the truth of law must rule, not leaders; limited capitalism will fix a multitude of problems for you! But as is the reality of change verse 3; those in power detest that truth. The prediction of revelation 17; 3 the beast she rides and controls is “male”. Turns out, “its me”. What this means within the realities of eternal life, or its passage through the spiritual world; for you (upon death)? I don’t know. Covid was the prostitute.
What the evidence will tell you however is: that life on earth is surrounded by threats of extinction, and they will not go away without REAL, honest; human changes; as is your choice. Simple as that; change or be extinct.
As for me; I have not a single clue, as to “life or eternity”, as everything about life as male, seems to be “washed away”. No, not a clue; I loved male, we were perfect for each other. In contrast however is the truth: of our dying world, and the cost of something must be done; for this whole Creation of life. “she gets to decide” what that is. And I just keep “treading water”; stranded, out in the ocean so to speak.
As for you: not what you expected, from this prediction? Answer: the birth of a child JESUS was not expected either/ nor was his death. But he did change this world, by revealing LOVE VERSUS HATE; and adding his testimony, that love is an opening door to eternal existence.
As for me; I am “just a pawn” so to speak/ drifting to who knows where, or why? Not a clue. But the end result is: every threat screams extinction. Nothing more so than mutilating nature/ as is being done around the world; life turned Armageddon (nature in chaos). Or, incinerating the planet; by trying to ignite a nuclear fire “just like the sun” here on earth. Their fantasies are purely delusional, the product of imagination without truth.
While it is true, I have no choice/ it is also true, I would never let this whole world and all its life and future life; be thrown away, without some sort of legal fight. Barriers, costs, and all. I tell you true; “my hope is, to return a value/ for my life”. That is not up to me to decide; “its complicated”, and since its female that decides now; I no longer have a clue. Just drifting into whatever life will be. Male failed to redirect you with truth and evidence, the cost of being wrong; so he quit. But finding balance is gone, it is hard to find, or adjust to; “a different life, back”. Drowning just a bit, as living just keeps changing; no choice, is all I get.
WHY? Because I found you dying as a world of life. Even though you turned away/ I could not. LIFE, IS A CHOICE.
Unlike time, the spiritual world owns only truth; and it cannot be undone. Every truth has a consequence, and I searched for “the spiritual world of female”/ found and entered. “just to ask a question”; But never expected to stay. The consequence however is: the entry/ and the door was closed behind me, and I have absolutely no clue “where either went”?
FOR CLARITY: while every truth is eternal, because it cannot be erased. The difference in time is; that we can “cover it” with good deeds, that prove we have in fact repented of our failures. For clarity, truth is not life; therefore its essence is dependent upon the presence of time. However without truth there is no eternity. Which means, although I can participate in truth, and truth does participate in me as time; the consequence is, “the spiritual woman and I share this life in time”. Because without life, truth has no meaning; so, “we walk as one”. Its complicated, because the work of “mothering (let me help you to survive)” this dying world, cannot be avoided. Since I am not “a mother” of any kind; I seem to be confiscated, for that work. No, I don’t know why “female” was not chosen; I guess, I stick out, as a representative of spiritual intervention (an unlikely occurrence; conversation); more. The constant: religion (basis of every cult) will not like that, because it interferes with “a college diploma”: denies their secret claim of evolution as GOD/ university as savior.