Want determines the direction of all behavior/ the foundation of all lies. Belief determines your participation in the herd/ and becomes the protector you chose. Pride establishes violence, abuse, use, and most rape; as it describes the winner/ OR you are the loser; potentially seeking revenge. Power is judge and jury; as is “I don’t need no damn truth/ I am god; and you are then worthless to me”. BEWARE of all those who demand; “I will find a use”, for you: perversion and pedophile starts here.
Power is the demand to prove “I am the only one that matters”/ pride is the demand to prove I am the superior one; all should bow down to me/ belief accepts that want is your god, regardless of the truth/ and want provides the purpose, that lives within the animal, as his or her time on earth is limited; therefore the right to do whatever I want to do. No restrictions or responsibilities.
Our values shape the path of every journey in life: truth creates the limits and boundaries of our destiny; the place where our journey will end, based upon our decisions along that path.
Love ascends into the search for truth beyond self, as a value defined by an environment; where we become the essence of our trust. It is in that trust, that life bonds to each other; as the shared existence which will bend instead of breaking; because caring proven by respect; has been found as true. Enlarging the dimension of heart, the rhythm of finding each other within soul. As we seek the Creation of each other, once lost-now found. Love builds the path, we then share as one: the search will be complete, for what is true.
In contrast want describes a roadway, to where the herd shall meet; so that they can all travel together as is on a journey that they all choose together. The consequence of that destiny is fate: where chance circles around want, to protect it from truth; and reality becomes whatever pride and power will do. Truth interferes with want, and is therefore abandoned. Which is why universities present the power needed for belief beyond self; or more deliberately, the mass hypnosis of a cult. Because the assertion of truth, even if it is a fantasy; is all a herd does need, to believe.
The spiritual world exists: by entering within the purity needed to recognize and rely upon the truth that built life on earth. It is not “for the weak of heart”/ but allows the ascent into thought, only where the essence of love to enter within by true respect, is found in trust.
If you fail those tests: you will fear the result or die because you entered where you did not belong. That descent from truth, love, and life; will cause chaos to erupt; and whether you live or die to hate is a choice you will be forced to make. Want saves you from truth/ pride saves you from love/ power saves you from life; by making these things a weapon against your fears. Upon death, every lie is a weapon against your life/ fear will save you from nothing; as terrors break the heart into pieces lost in time.
Life gives you choices, until time ends. It used to be said that the best of us die young; it could be true, before corruption takes control over your heart.
As to me: I have plainly stated, that I will not assume or question the idea of GOD interfering in our lives by any measure; because I nor you “know what GOD is or does do”. I find it extremely foolish to conceive of anything; which obviously I cannot understand. However it does occur to me, that I should include GOD may interfere and direct our lives if HE would so choose; it is again beyond my understanding, and never would I choose to guess. The evidence of my own life allows; that the spiritual world does intervene in me; after “beyond what you understand” existed. That too, I know not! Realities of life before that suggest an education (but why_) that would be needed here; as is proven to be extensive and real. So the summary of that is: GOD does or does not do whatever HE desires/ and I certainly do NOT know; nor do you. Whatever that might be.