


IF human LIFE, were to be different/ then what would it be?

Answer: without the impacts of fear, belief, pain, hate, loneliness, want, greed, selfishness, betrayal, and terrorism; and all the tributaries of human behavior that comes from these; would disappear. So the critical answer to what would be different is: you would discard the impacts above, and choose for life instead of behaviors; as are the essence of animal compositions. Doesn’t mean animal behaviors are bad: it just means, to be human alive; requires more, than an animal can do. Which ultimately points to the compositions of thought, and its ascension within truth.

The question is then: why do you not choose for life, as is the gradient formed by truth as is rises beyond self to become an element of eternity joined to the composition of what is love?

So we ask: WHAT causes the impacts described above, which alters the foundation of all human behavior; creating the description of animal over human/ instead of human “alive in thought”, over the essence of time, which is the body of animal?

Answer: it is easier to be an “animal wanting”, than it is to work for thought, by discovering truth, is the path into eternity. A discipline that shapes order to arrive at love: which balances the living with a purpose greater than self.

Or more simply: it is easier to accept the chemical addictions of sex/ than it is to understand and cultivate the inner challenge of “sharing life”/ more so, than using a body.

Or more distinctly: the herd of animals finds in fear the means to hide from reality; and learns, “it is the creatures on the outside that get eaten/ so, I will hide in the middle; by doing whatever it takes, to be confined by “the same” as you. But that does require; every movement the herd takes must be multiplied in you; or they will stampede over you, if you trip. Consequently those around you MUST accept the same boundary lines and limits (same talk and walk and beliefs and more) as do you. Making your life indistinguishable from the rest. “we walk the same (as is, group identity)/ talk the same (as is bigotry)/ look the same (as is prejudice) / do the same (as is mob)/ and believe the same (as is cult, when fully formed)”; as is a herd/ or pack of predators. Or congratulations you are a member here; as substantively removes most loneliness.

So the question is why?

Answer most common is: I am lonely without being part of this group.

Consequence most common is: while hiding in want (I believe NO predator here), the desire to prove I can be more arises; and with it the summary elements of self are born. Which then become the critical methods of enjoining with the herd to be “noticed”, rather than oblique and unformed. Which then becomes separated into “the tiers of men and women”/ as they create the hierarchy of who gets to lead. And the decisions of righteousness, as humanity further separates itself into “rule makers/ rule breakers/ the religion of rules/ and the cult of, “I am the ruler, obey.” Because together, “we are an army; and will take what we want”. They (the other side) cannot stop us now!

Behavior is then the dimensional description of each thing we allow to direct and control our lives. Versus thought which is the dimensional description of what an entire universe could be, along with the directional destiny of choosing where love would take me.

  1. We begin with behaviors: because they are most common; starting with FEAR. Or more distinctly, there is a predator about to do me great harm. As is clearly on this planet, a viable concern. Which means we are confronted by a truth of living, over which we have limited options. “run/ hide/ or fight”. Dependent upon your own truth, there is also surrender to death. But the foundation fear is: “a dead body has no value, to anyone, even a threat; until recycled”. But there is also the realities of predator eats prey: to sustain its own life; and that is both pain and fear. Which brings about hate: “unfair to me”.
  2. Reality turns then to loneliness; “I alone am dying here/ does not anyone care?” HELP ME! But on the day of death, there is no one, and loneliness will take control. So humanity turns to religion: to seek an intermediary, a way out of death/ or at least, its fear. Because it is absolutely certain: you cannot or would not “live within a rotting corpse”. Various elements of choice exist in religion, as people search in every method possible for what they want their death to be. Greed controls much of religion; but there is little betrayal intended, until you turn the direction to hate; wherein war and deceit becomes the chaos you desire. As is: I am UNFAIR.
  3. That is of course selfishness; as the takeover from being human, to being the result of hate continues to betray the very foundations of life itself. As is only truth can sustain life. Only love can make it worth living! But love is the very opposite of hate; and the consequence is terrorism (I WILL make them all sorry; forever; as is playing god). But hate cannot, as it is like evolution nothing but a lie covered over by the casket of your dead soul.


We then turn to sex: because it is a witness, to who you are inside. 

Or more distinctly; there are elements of life and death, in the sexual behaviors of most. But only truth allots for the living soul, to begin shaping a heart to beat in rhythm; with another life of the opposite sex. Or more correctly the forces of life are found in male and female; each balances life with the other/ therefore one is separate unless joined to the other. Sexual truth, rather than behavior determines if you can join in heart and; even soul. Sexual truth is: “not for the chemicals do I do this”/ but as caring creates the respect required for sharing, what will define us both as trust. It is trust that binds, and it is trust that becomes the journey of our lives as one. These are not found without truth, sustained and carefully “gardened” to preserve the purity of our truth as one.

Animals are only concerned with chemicals; and they will lust, use, abuse, or even kill to control those chemicals for themselves (you are not needed/ only your body). However animals with behaviors that are human; consider the truth, of “you are a trophy to be won/ a trinket to be protected from the others/ or a toy to be played with as long as I want”. As is want, pride, and power; elements of the war contrived by playing games with life itself. Endless behaviors are exhibited in this endeavor; as it is “playing with each other”/ until loneliness takes control. Then the desire for a child (MINE, ALL MINE; you cannot escape me)/ reshapes the game into possessions to be collected as my own. Endless lies are exchanged; and the reality of truth or trust cannot be found. So there is depression, and people gamble; losing the love they share, as is heartbreak.

So the critical question of: HOW CAN WE MAKE LIFE DIFFERENT?

Returns to want, pride, and power as the elements of behavior we all have in common. To refuse them “makes life different”.

But: what is the reward? Because want, pride, and power each have a reward that people “want”.

The answer to that is: the reward is life itself/ more so than body as is animal: life is confronting thought, with your decision to search for life. That is a direction based upon your acceptance of “miracles, are never human made: GOD was here”. As for me: JESUS is the foundation of love, versus hate/ and I chose HIS LIFE shall I follow within the truth of love. As only love can make life happy, for being ALIVE.

So the reward is to accept the knowledge of life itself is a gift, and all bodies of life are a miracle: and that means, “as a living example of love did this”; I am as rich as any man or woman ever born. No need to prove it as with pride/ no need to judge it or anyone else; as with power/ and every want of a human life; is far less than love and its gift of “being truly alive inside”. In contrast however; as with the animals; you can play games, and shout winner or revenge, as will give you to hate.

What does DIFFERENT mean?

LIFE is a path into truth, governed by the decisions which allow for trust to form, based upon the acceptance of love. It is not a game, nor is it your chance to show you can play god with life; as is hate.

Every decision is a response to thought, and every thought is a response created by being alive inside. The more you hate, the more you lie; and in every lie there is a “blanket to cover the truth”; so that it becomes farther and farther from your mind: to coherent conception that is “my body of life, belongs to me”.

We then turn to sex: and review the consequences of human behavior; in the more intimate realities of our own construction, “defining, what love should be”. When young: it is more about “using the equipment provided” than the discovery of sex (I will impact your life). When young want overrides life and living; demanding what it wants: resulting, in why young love is both good (uncontaminated) and bad (lusting for each other). It is best to wait, until life has had a chance to sort out what is important to me.

That unfortunately comes with a long list of wants; and they are “largely different”; between what male and female want. The demand to get what I want, overrides truth, life, hope, values, and so on: causing distrust, a descent from love begins here, and a reliance on sex to keep the relationship from completely falling apart.

OUR JOB as is the essence of love participating with value: is to seek and search for: someone who will provide the balance we need for ourselves. To live for, the love we can share, because we care and respect each other. UNFORTUNATELY; the journey of life, does not always include someone else. As was mine! I was married two years, but want turned into lies/ and we gave up on each other, as this is too hard. But not so much an end to love, as it was: I need to do this (a world is dying), before I can do more for you. Others came: but without trust, it is very hard to begin again; and the moment came when I had to choose: pay the price/ one way or the other. I chose “no more of this; until I am done”.

I did not know: at 71 years old, I would still be on that journey/ and what was simple 50 years ago, is now “a second too late, and we are all dead”; because the threats have all increased. But, nobody has a “crystal ball”/ and we must go forward, and live by the evidence of our reality; the truth of our choices. GOD will decide/ but humanity can be lost; as arrogance, apathy, and disrespect are what you offer to life; and HELL is what you offer to every child. So should you not “reap your reward”/ rather than make the children pay; as is the “Universities way”. Extinction threatens; because of you.

Different as a society: begins with world law (chosen by us all)/ to remove war and all weapons of mass destruction; letting only international forces and the law; elevated by an open courtroom; decide how best this will be done.

Different as a humanity: begins with “limited capitalism”; WE VOTE to decide what are the income limits, and property boundaries which are HONESTLY fair to the vast majority, and justified for the rest. BECAUSE that limits war, and allows for everyone to do the best they can for life and self.

The cost of being so wrong is: resources matter, and unlike the universities way/ YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST respect this world, and its future to all life and child. “get use to hearing; NO YOU CAN’T”/ because it is the only way back to a sustainable world.

OVERSIGHT OF THE COURTROOM is absolutely mandatory, as this is where betrayal gets its foothold. Removing the right of politicians to create a debt/ or a war/ or destroy the foundations of currency by inflicting lies and terrorists on us all. NEW LAW IS MANDATORY, and limits are redefined for every politician.

Media is removed from broadcasting their decision to let money decide/ and create propaganda to be distributed endlessly: to steal our own independent choice. REBUILT ENTIRELY; AS BENEFITS/ not destroys society and world.

Etcetera,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and more.

Different is: accepting the truth of life, which is creation/ not the cult of “universities satanism”. As is evolution the garbage of man.

Different is: accepting “it is, time for women to try”/ by law, or they will fail.

Different is: accepting the work, of lifting the chain of body, from your life/ so that you can rise above “wanting”; and enable the choice of thought describes me now. NOT an intellectual statement/ but a consequence of letting truth decide.

Different is: accepting the work, of building a future/ rather than tearing all life and world down; as is the universities lead way: proven by the evidence.

Different is: accepting that male and female balance each other for eternity, and living and the need to understand: love exists.

Different is: replanting, recycling, renewing, reusing, rebuilding, respecting, letting truth decide, NEVER allow extreme experimentation of anything again: as is chaining “university to the wall”. NO MORE OF THIS.

Different is: a government that works for life/ not power; in all ways and means that requires: the removal of power by law as is “democracy”.

Different is: “the children might survive/ as opposed to hell will take them; with things worse than war. “because of you”. the hierarchy of SATAN rules/ is then displaced.

Different is: stopping the crusade to destroy all currency with fraud and claims of money debts; to incite war.

Different is: to remove those who play god, from the reality of cursing us all.

Different is: a world not being attacked with poison, pollution, destruction, extinction, weapons of mass destruction, or the incitement of others; to make believe war is the answer.

Different is: the end of belief, so that want may die. Because all belief is tied to want/ without want, there is no belief; only truth.

Different is: understanding “truth is”, the spiritual world, that death provides. To prove what is true in you.

Life shapes us, by our own truth. But it also shapes the reality of others, who do affect our lives. The cost of that, becomes the consequence of who we are; by the truth of our own decisions.

The things we need, make us do the things we do/ or die. A consequence that can be caused by unfair rules. Everything else is want, and what we believe will satisfy pride or power; which drives all behaviors.

So different means: in order to create a new world, we must have new laws which govern us all/ instead of rules which govern each individual by a rulers choice.

Different means: ending all the lies, and accepting what truth will bring to us all. EVEN if it is not what we want. Because the world needs sanity/ not lies.  US debt is not as this depicts/ because it is only what congress overspent. same for all.

this is what governments overspend/ not what nations overspend
world debt 9 1 24

US TOTAL DEBT IS SAID TO BE, AS BELOW:  101.7 TRILLION DOLLARS. WHILE THE CURRENCY CLAIM IS NOW 630.99 TRILLION DOLLARS.  POPULATION 336.8 MILLION BABIES AND ALL.   one trillion dollars is equal too:  ten thousand dollars, from each one of one hundred million people.  or what was 92 trillion in fraudulent claims year 2000/ is now 539 trillion more in 24 years or an inflation climb of 22.45 trillion per year, for 24 years:  in currency. which equals a rise in income of $224.500.00 per year for each of one hundred million people.  OR, your claim of wealth, is built on lies.  having sold the resources of:   this entire earth “a thousand times over”.  and that is just one nation. they all learned “debts don’t matter”; from UNIVERSITY.     SOMEONE HAS THESE NUMBERS IN THEIR “BANK ACCOUNT” AND EXPECTS TO COLLECT:     FROM YOU!

the critical mass of lies, SCREAMING LET THE CHILDREN PAY is ending
us debt 9 1 24                                 SO HOW DO WE CORRECT THE LIES
Answer is we accept truth and begin again as is the removal of all lies to establish what is true
MORE DISTINCTLY WE ORCHESTRATE OUR OWN SOLUTION BY INVOKING REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES to establish and conduct a full investigation of what does matter to us all
The consequence of that will be we MUST RULE OVER OUR OWN BANKRUPTCY and decide for ourselves what is fair That will begin with limits and boundaries no more than this and it will then be described by you get one dollar of asset per one hundred dollars claimed Which brings 631 trillion dollars back to 631 trillion dollars divided by 340 million people babies and all to an operating capital of $1855000 per each citizen or divided by one hundred million workers 6310000 per each = $63100 each averaged if all got the same The actual number does not matter What constitutes stability is stability Or more distinctly a constitutional change that ties the currency of a nation every nation to the citizen count So much per each one it would be best if all were the same Controlling debt requires the constant bank rule when it is fair to a percentage deposit that proves your ability to pay it back
But what is BEYOND CALCULATION AS NEEDED IS to investigate those playing god with life and world because the cost of their being WRONG as they are exceeds our ability to survive what they do Proving what is true the cost for being WRONG is absolutely essential for life and world    WHY DO THEY counterfeit currency  because without declaring money in the bank they cannot get a loan And without a loan all the university games and delusions fail to get funded anymore because the lies are failing truth SO COVID came and solved the problem for much of university is god we do whatever we want NOW  so university gets what it wants and politicians get what they want and hidden taxation means the people are defied WE TAKE WHAT WE WANT and the children are intentionally destroyed by a world that cannot survive

Whosoever “plays god”; IS: TO BE REMOVED from all power and authority/ as is needed to keep this world alive. They have no further say.  which does align with WORLD LAW/ NOT armies and weapons: above you see, the interest being paid by government is nearly one trillion dollars/ essentially the same cost as your military. THINK about it~

Which brings us all: to the truth of: this is A VERY FINITE WORLD/ and we are already too many people to survive by doing what you do. It is that simple!

Everything from population control; to EVERYTHING you claimed had no consequences for you: have ended/ and only truth may decide what can or cannot be done. And that eliminates want along with its belief and games. YOUR assertion: “the children must take whatever we leave them to survive”: has no value/ when you took or destroyed it all: leaving them nothing.

IT IS NOT, “everybody gets the same”/ because everybody does not do the work, or pay the price to learn. Some fail entirely.

IT IS; “like me”; we must accept the price of what reality calls for/ want it or not. Because only truth can survive, and produce a happy world. And all of humanity SCREAMS; “you can’t take my money”; truth don’t matter/ ITS MINE! But you killed the future to get those numbers; which includes every child/ discarding the entire world to shout “no consequences for me”; and were absolutely wrong. Lies are not wealth/ they are lies, and if you hold onto lies: your eternity is dead; as is this world. WORK for justice, as is constructed by “fair play”/ if you earned it: reality should pay that back. But if its all numbers as with “wall street and more”/ built upon lies: then the lies and liars stole it. The cursed and damned and dead deceived you; are reality as with “reverse mortgage and covid”; should decide what is proven true.

Law is the answer, and truth is its constant companion.

But what is equally important is: that unless you do literally understand what is, and what is not true about any element of law/ that failure to communicate correctly with the truth, can end with critical losses. In this case; our earth and all its life can die. Because of what is, and is not: true.

While argument can be made: that I did not know, and should not have opened the door to “a spiritually female world”. The end result is I did, and it did result in critical losses. Because I was willing to accept: “its female/ how dangerous can it be”! Believing I would understand, because, apart from physiology, women are not that different than men are. “same world/ same living”. But the lesson is: “i was completely wrong/ women are not the same at all; even disregarding physical truths. Different forces controlling /different worlds apart defining what life is or is not to be”. More dangerous than expected; because we are not “On equal ground”. Nor are you/ or your universities: with any attempt to take control over the laws of life and earth. AS IS WHAT THEY DO!  

But all the same is true of “university knows” and their attempts to play god with genetics/ with energy/ with claims of knowledge that do not exist/ with their desire for pride and power, by living in a fantasy world; encompassed by their delusions; claiming imagination (as with evolution) are enough. It is not, and the forces controlling life on earth; are being betrayed; by universities play god. I lost control, by not understanding the cost of being wrong. But this whole world is being threatened by people who do not have any concept at all: of what they do. As is the cost called EXTINCTION, by their choices/ and yours for allowing it to be done.

My life has changed; beyond the point of no return: the evidence would prove: never to return. YOUR WORLD IS CHANGING; AND THE EVIDENCE WOULD PROVE: NEVER TO RETURN, to life beyond war, and mutilation all around; as order turns to chaos, and life dies. NOBODY is asking you to believe: that is worthless!

BUT LIFE AND TRUTH ARE SAYING: INVESTIGATE AND PROVE WHAT IS TRUE/ or you die as a world, BECAUSE “imagination is not enough/ nor is the disease of human rotting (evolution); which says, “this looks like that”/ is all the evidence they need. PURE DISRESPECT, will prove none will be left. Because that is the price of being WRONG!

The distraction: “why should we have to continue to hear about his fantasy and delusions; what his imagination dream t up”? The answer is: it is, the best example of “believing/ but wrong”/ that I have. Regardless of what you believe; it is critical to understand, EVEN A SMALL discrepancy in knowledge: can lead to disaster. NO YOU CAN’T “just learn as you go”. Because they are playing god over life and earth and energy; which means extinction.

As for me: “its a female world of truth”/ a place between life and death, beyond your reach. And I don’t know “anything”. So not a clue? Past the point of no return? Not a clue. What next? Not a clue.

But as for you: EVERYTHING IS PREDICTABLE; and we start with weapons of mass destruction/ and the reality of covid “a biological weapon” used to test your cult readiness; “to drink the poison punch; as other cults do”. They stole your face/ your money/ your future/ your friend/ your nation and world; “with believe in me”/ by media propagation of lies. And you surrendered, because you didn’t know what was true! IT IS PAST TIME TO KNOW WHAT IS TRUE; ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU CAN; because there are traitors and terrorists, in your midst. Simple as that. Just make sure they don’t distract you with their foreign language (which includes math, and words you don’t recognize). LIKE ME; THEY CAN TELL YOU PLAIN/ insist on it.

I have now considered; “did I go past the point of no return”? [never considered that before]. The end result is: based upon the evidence, that I know to be true/ unless female evicts me; there is no going back. She says; NEVER going to happen. So, its not clear what that means/ other than there is no escape from this truth. It is both my worst and best decision; ever made. I don’t know how it ends/ or what happens next? Clueless, not female; but male is being completely lost. Or, perhaps opposite forces are creating female inside of me instead; trading places, in ways “beyond calculable risk”. So who knows: “winner; ugly girl contest”? I don’t know, it is a completely different world! “lost; no anchor of truth (male/ female/ ?)”; I literally don’t know, life has changed; beyond my control.  “I don’t know,,,,,,,,,,”?   Nor, do I know why?  Perhaps its to force you to choose the evidence/ rather than follow a leader? Still no clue.   LAW IS THE ANSWER:  what we all choose, for life, society, future, and world to be. What we agree: is our truth to both life and child; because we do enforce it to survive and find peace, happiness, and hope.  “whatever this is”, it is, a complete surprise to me; not a distinct choice at all.

The reality of it, also suggests: “perhaps she cannot evict me; because our world is in so much trouble we must find a way to work together as male and female with a different way; in order to survive. And humanity says: “we are doing great”/ but it is not so; as every chain of life is threatened/ every living thing is facing extinction/ every resource is being destroyed; even the oxygen you breathe/ ocean life dying; and more. Or instead of complete extinction for all life and earth by men. Perhaps we will be saved as a world, by the Yellowstone super volcano: erupting/ wiping out billions of humans, and ending what you believe is your reality. The consequences of what you chose; as cannibalism overcomes this earth. You have no clue; to your shame.

I have considered and searched your decisions: you have failed! “your gods of university”: Very soon genetics, people without a brain; will cause chaos in nature as predicted “Armageddon”/ they may be allowed to ignite a nuclear fire, making earth a sun/ they may go to war with weapons of mass destruction, hell/ you will go to war for water, Apocalypse/ the list is very long; and you stand on the edge of no return with everything. So while I BELIEVE you might still be on the edge/ I continue to believe, there is a slight chance you could change and rebuild life on earth. Soon however; that decision will end/ and your choice to save this earth will fail, as well. No prayer, no anything will save you/ mercy will die. Making this is a life and death moment for our earth and all its life; including you: for killing this Creation. With apathy, arrogance, and disrespect for life itself. As reality proves true.

SO, I CAUTION YOU DISTINCTLY: KNOW WHAT IS TRUE, “BEFORE this is a totally different world” on earth. As will end your existence. DO WHAT YOU CAN LEGALLY DO; because without law, letting men lead to war: you are, a dead World! But not before you know: YOU CHOSE, to be “devil”.; killer/ terrorist/ traitor/ thief/ liar/ cheat/ whore (only money matters)/ bastard (only sex matters)/ failure (apathy)/ fool (arrogance)/ idiot (disrespect); “university expert, leader, more” .

We face the truth of our world: NOT what you believe or imagine it to be/ but what truth declares it will be: because of what you chose.

And humanity says of me: “_______”; but I did not steal like your politicians, pretending money does not matter; we can spend (steal) all we want. Did not poison, pollute, lie, cheat, counterfeit, or enslave/ did not play god with nature, energy, or world. Did not create weapons of mass destruction; so armies could control the earth. Did not assume or demand superiority as did media formed “university is god” disgrace. Did not teach your children; to be a cult. Did not make life on earth face extinction. Because you did that; choosing greed instead of life/ choosing selfishness instead of child/ choosing death for the future with everything you throw away; and more.

So no matter what you say of me: “at least, I am not you”.  Because I chose life and world are more important, “than me”.

you do:  “understand the cost of being WRONG”.  IT IS  “a choice”. but do not go past the point of no return/ or be like me, and never “go back” to what life was. IT IS, ABSOLUTELY CLEAR;  “never going to be the same”/ stay here or not?  Seems certain; but miracles do happen?  “once in a very great while”. even so:  “male and female are equal”/ so it should not truly matter.


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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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