


IT IS, at the core of discipline; to accept only truth can decide what the consequences of an action or reaction will become.

IT IS, at the core of order: to accept that ultimately we know a body in time/ will not survive that time, as all things disintegrate and die in time; therefore it is understandable: to survive in truth; life needs a better solution, than time can create.

IT IS, the balance of life is the creation of a gift; and as such it speaks to the miracle of our existence; to acknowledge, nothing on this earth can create life. Therefore respect leads us to honor those miracles, and achieve a value from those miracles; that no one can steal.

IT IS suggested to me: that this work shall never see, “an audience needed to make a difference”/ unless I manipulate, tempt, bribe, or do what the people expect me to do.

But I do functionally refuse to lead (not my job)/ not my job to provide the same as the rest, as media, leaders, and those who claim to be god do: (I search for evidence, construct what is true, and the price for being wrong, as is needed for our survival); as is eloquently what we all do need to understand.

There is no place to hide from truth, and I let that truth be: whatever & wherever it is found. End of the world as is with the claim “we can ignite the same fire here” as on the sun. But the courts have no use for anyone who acknowledges “the universities are not god”. Media refuses all evidence; as they are the priests who bring forth everything “the universities” have to say. While politicians, just want a vote; to increase their power. And religion walks away saying; “we don’t have to do nothing”.

But wrong is our earth becomes a sun/ and there are none who can prove their delusions and fantasies are not wrong. So I give you the work as is/ with a variety of efforts used to inform.

Because I personally refuse to let this earth die: without making a true effort on my part/ as has consumed my life in time on earth.

It is, a value to life and world: to understand the choices we can make/ and how they will work for us all. Hate excluded.

GIVEN THAT fact of life, the knowledge to be presented constructs a different way of living; because our world has changed, with overpopulation, university plays god, resource depletion, and the entire planet of life dying; while facing certain extinction, because of what humanity does, and did do.

HATE IS; the decision, I am NOT happy with my life/ or its limits and boundaries of living. Therefore I DO blame the rest, that they did not make me happy/ or assume my body does not make me happy, because of their failures; never mine. The consequence: I JUDGE, and make rules/ so that I can judge; and declare my self: as god. Which then gives me the power to destroy and call life or plant: “worthless to me”. As is pride gorging on greed; because want has replaced happiness with: I create fear.

People then become “LOCKED onto the focus” of what they don’t want; and trade their lives: for playing god, by removing that want. Leaving only the vacuum of, life being lost to extinction. The critical path is accepting you have no other choice: because the power of need “or its delusions” has overtaken your life.

So what would wisdom change?

We cannot save ourselves from truth; truth will decide. Therefore to remove yourself from hate; YOU must accept the value of life, is built upon trust. Respect grants the potential to trust; and without trust there is no real relationship as is the basis of soul. Death is the end of time (as is body)/ but life is the value called truth; and it is up to you, “to identify” yourself, as truth. Therefrom step beyond need, when you can; and accept what you must in order to complete the task of sharing your respect; defined by your truth: with life, by living as the value called “care”.

It is elementally true; that while money has made the world work/ it is also true that money has made the world war. Because the end result of it is: that men want what they want/ and they take what they can get/ and they are the primary cause of extinction/ deserts/ crisis of human involuntary movement and more. While women by the very fact of pregnancy (regardless of who made the choice)/ form the basis and reality of why humanity cannot “catch its breathe”; and must keep trying. Because the competition is grim.

It is then wise to insist and enforce: there can be no further expansion of humans on earth/ this planet is overfull, and we must adjust our lives accordingly. That is a female truth, because only females have children. IT IS NOT a valid complaint; men can have a vasectomy/ because that ends the desire for sex in male. NO chemicals/ means no reward; it is a fact of life, that women must endure as well. Because the male you had sex with no longer wants it; and generally blames you; even though reality knows it is entirely “universities/ and their media priests, who are at fault”. THE IUD IS: the most likely contraceptive possible for this use. In existence for over 100 years; the reality of it is well known. PHARMACEUTICAL companies HATE the iud, and will do everything they can to discard it: BECAUSE IT TAKES AWAY THEIR POWER OF MONEY. IUD IS CHEAP and effective (once only) and reversible (whenever you life) and valuable to life. Anything better is welcomed; but reality insists

So that leaves us with money. NOT as the root of all evil/ but as the creation of men; to participate in a game of war/ rather than a war of weapons. While we can call war evil/ it is the game of men competing for prizes, toys, and trinkets to display “behind closed doors”; that cause banking and its traitorous fraud to exist. Banking is: the funding of war/ banking is, the cause of US civil war, AND many others/ banking lets humanity do what it does, regardless of the consequences such as extinction. Because the weapon is money/ rather than death by weapon.

So the critical method of change is to remove money, and banking; and replace that with the female version of change. Or more directly; as is the result of revelation 12:1 coming into my life. I am confronted with “girl inside now”/ more than male. So the conception of a female version is not without cause. Believe it or not; a complex mix of male and female; defines living in a new way.

Money controls the distribution of resources/ distribution of work/ distribution of opportunities/ and all aspects of civilization as depicted by governments; in their conception of how to spend the money/ and then how to steal more, without paying for what they chose to buy. As is no responsibilities for us; we are exempt/ let the slaves do it “the university way”.

Money exchanges the source of barter, from physical realities/ into the paper or metals we then assume have a value in reality. But do to governmental crime; that value was discarded and replaced with the fantasy world of “lets make the children pay our debts” instead. Which continues in this USA as it has for over fifty years. Basically since Reagan/ and before that with Kennedy in charge; who was responsible for escalating the cold war; which spent extreme amounts of money to gain power. Or the common male response whenever they can: WE WILL TAKE IT ALL, with nuclear weapons to their shame. BUT people are animals, and they want what they believe rather than truth.

Nonetheless: the reality of money is, that we do need to identify who has contributed to our society with work, our civilization by justice, our future with education, and more: because these are the things we need to do. War is not within that description/ because it destroys all we do. THE TRUTH BEING: this world no longer has the resources to rebuild what war destroys/ which makes those who choose war; “devil”/ in more ways than one.

Even so, turning away from war means: WORLD LAW, which governs leaders rather than nations. Bringing them to trial, to face our law as we the world demand: THESE ARE, THE LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES you shall adhere too. Removing armies and their weapons of mass destruction in its entirety for all; NO EXCEPTIONS. Reducing nations to “this group belongs here”/ and that does mean forever. Build or destroy/ BUT FACE YOUR OWN CONSEQUENCES. IS, the purpose. With an international policing force; to prove leaders will obey, OUR WORLD LAW.

We then turn to society; confronting what we need to enforce, so that we all can live in peace, even with money. Or more distinctly, TRUTH SAYS: we are so many people now; that there is not enough jobs for us all. Unless as is the answer of MEN and their universities: KILL THE FUTURE/ USE ALL THEIR RESOURCES/ LET THEM DIE. Who gives a damn.

Therefore we turn first to limited capitalism: we the people vote, on the limits and boundaries of income and property possession; for us all. Because that gives us all an equal opportunity to make a difference in our own lives. Ending power for justice. And incorporating a realistic element of public ownership/ partnership; over all natural resources. Establishing freedom with responsibilities; for all life on earth: NOT kill the future/ or let them die; because there is nothing left. While universities are “a man’s world intensified”; with small things matter more than you believe: they are NOT alone in the decision: to kill the future, as is the cult of followers constantly shouting MORE/ MORE/ MORE. And worshiping the bribe; which is they can’t stop us from stealing the future, by counterfeiting money/ creating garbage mountains/ poisoning the earth/ destroying everything; AND MUTILATING NATURE INTO CHAOS. Or any other extreme experiment hate can design; as is “lets ignite the same fire as on the sun here”. A NUCLEAR fire; which cannot be controlled. Shame on you.

Regardless; we can control the money supply, WHICH CANNOT be less than 3 times more for the best workers/ versus the least workers; because anything less is not fair. With our vote as is NO MORE BILLIONAIRES. We can control the resources life needs with our democracy; but to untangle the economy with a future instead of extinction/ THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. As are easily seen.

So we look to the money itself; recognizing all national currency MUST be tied to the population count/ so we know: where the middle is/ therefore we know what is fair to us all. And can enforce that.

Now we do look at the economy itself: understanding what has been will be no more/ or life on earth will cease to exist. Economy means: what we do for each other; so that they in turn will do something that benefits us. What we do for someone else= why you are paid. Simple as that.

In war what we do is for society; because if we don’t/ those who fight to be our enemies; intend to take everything we did work to have. But that includes thieves, traitors, terrorists, hate, and so much more. Nonetheless it does show that money is not the motivator/ it is the competitor.

To remove the competition: NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT, than to reduce the population, so that it is at least stable. NO CHOICE EXISTS, that must be done.

To reduce the dependency on money; to establish the working realm of “you did do something” for someone else. The foundation change is: that we owe each other a job/ not welfare. To divide those jobs among all the workers who do not have full time employment. It will be necessary to implement a different bidding system for that work. As is: how many hours will you commit to this work, and at what point will you say you are done? Because time is what we do or do not have as humans. Talents divide who can and who cannot: which must be realistically proven, before you get the job. But if you do not finish the work, as indicated: you will receive far less money than if you do. If you do not work: we will transport you to an appropriate distance from the rest/ and you will walk back to us (on your own), without support! Until you do achieve the goal. Of back with those who help you/ because you do help them survive as well. Male one place/ female another: with monitoring to insure NOBODY helps. Either you assist the rest for the benefit of all society/ or you face increasing penalties. The time we spend is the life we spend/ which makes time the equalizer of human life. Limited capitalism: identifies what is fair/ based upon that time; and if your job is in the middle of payment for this service/ that times does justify your pay in the middle of services rendered. The resources needed to do the work, are for society to decide/ and humanity to achieve; because it ain’t all free. THIS IS A FINITE PLANET, and we will run out of everything; so what you do/ or do not do: translates to a life that has been lost in the future, or saved.

All “governmental work” is to be bid upon. All labor unions are disbanded/ EXCEPT FOR: you are allowed to strike for “middle wages”/ but no more at the risk of your job. But make no mistake; some business ventures will not allow for that, and will close if you enforce it. OR MORE CORRECTLY: the free ride to extinction is over/ and you must commit to a life that is consistent with our own survival as a planet.

And that will include: removing the poisons and pollution and factories and much more as we change from the abyss of certain death, to a reality of supporting life on earth.

WORK is what we do to survive, or attain something we desire. TIME however is the life being spent upon whatever has proven to be necessary or desired; and is therefore the essence of being human on earth. So if we trade time/ we trade life. But if we trade work, we trade only abilities; and how that translates into the variations of pay. While some are distinctly “worth more as a worker”/ we are all equal as life itself. Hate being the only exception/ because hate transforms life into its tragedies.

THE CRITICAL truth of democracy is: that a vote is our weakness/ under the current realities of our time. Created back in time when there were no other realistic choices for people to make. That is no longer true for us today. We are able to vote, for ourselves: on the law, that we then live as our lives dictate what society must be; by the vote of our consent. WE CANNOT read the mind of another/ nor can we predict how they will vote. nor do we hear in their rhetoric what they have to say, “as many have speech writers”. Nor do we have the time or patience to assume we know; when in fact we do not know/ and even if we did know, they can still change their mind; after our vote.

Voting for someone to vote for me; is a betrayal of democracy! Because it is NOT our vote/ but our belief that: the best we can do, IS someone else can vote for us. That is not true: today, the best we can do is vote upon the laws we live by for ourselves. REMOVING THE TRAITOR; by limiting that law to one hundred or so, “one page” only descriptions of what we agree is important enough for us all as a majority to choose removing freedoms, and limiting behaviors, and protecting our world. One page so we can memorize or learn the law for ourselves/ ENFORCING WE KNOW, rather than being dependent upon “a lawyer”. One hundred; so that we can express our democracy as the law we learned: that GOVERNS our nation or world: because WE DO UNDERSTAND, and don’t need “a judge”. The US judiciary HAS NO SAY OVER THE CONSTITUTION; they are removed from making a decision for us: as is our constitutional law, RULING over them. They do need a refresher course in truth.

But understand this: those who want power will always try to corrupt, conspire, or collude; to remove whatever you do, with value. Therefore as is the constitutional amendments; “short and to the point”/ or the ten commandments: which have stood the test of time for thousands of years. USE THESE AS YOUR GUIDE, to creating law as simple and true as possible. Voting periodically; so that any attempt to contaminate will be resolved. LIMITING THAT VOTE; to NOTHING will be changed unless a LARGER PERCENTAGE of the people who made it law/ now wants it to be changed. Or more simply if 70% of the people made it law, in their time/ YOU MUST have 71% of the people voting for change; to change it now.

THE LAW IS; the stability or framework from which justice arises. But it does not do its job unless the disciplines and foundations of our own purpose as declared in the preamble of the constitution creates our desire for FAIR PLAY. To achieve fair play: EVERY courtroom and its participants/ its judiciary IS ABSOLUTELY OPEN to the public/ and will be graded by those who declare themselves to have watched: TO INSURE this is the law we chose. Traitors will come, and try to “throw trash into the law”: KEEP THEM OUT. Demanding only what is needed, and no more. But do put together what is needed; and accept what will be better IF we are careful; and avoid the propaganda of our enemies.

Or more simply; a democracy exists only when we the people make our own laws/ NO LONGER employ people to make those laws for us. BECAUSE ONE HUNDRED LAWS IS ENOUGH to rule a nation/ and it will never need more. Because these can be adjusted with care, to serve our reality; as is the amendments/ and commandments: FEW, will GET THE JOB DONE.

Let no one discourage you: because LAWS DONE RIGHT/ do not need to be redone; ever. Laws that need to be refined: can be identified, and taken into court, so that all necessary evidence and values to be constructed, are elementally chosen. So that in our grading of a courtroom: we find what we need to refine or redo the laws we have in a way that expresses our decision as a nation. NO MORE letting employees declare war/ no more letting employees create chaos as with covid/ no more letting employees ROB US/ OR SURGE AGAINST OUR DEMOCRACY; as the universities diploma has done/ no more letting employees allow the extreme experimentation of universities or others; in mutilating our nature, or trying to ignite the same fire as on the sun here or MORE.

NO more universities in charge of lawyer education: as is the foundation for anarchy/ while they grow rich by robbing whoever they can, this society grows in fear, to be silent. Lest they be the next ones robbed at the gun point of “the powerful”/ who destroy liberty and justice for all.

It is better to be a society that lives, in the truth of our existence/ than one who dies, in the sewer of human lies; as is today.

It is better to trade time than money; so that we are treated equally.

But make no mistake: THOSE WHO EARNED their place, whether by inheritance or other/ DO DESERVE IT far more than those who immigrate and demand THEY WANT MORE/ even though there is no more.

ENDLESS changes must be made to our world/ BUT NOTHING will save this planet if you don’t stop universities/ and you don’t stop overpopulation/ and you don’t stop destroying our planet or its life not human. WAKE UP.

The foundation of all human behavior is: I want what I want & I don’t want what I don’t want! “do you see, all the “I’s”/ all the want; which then screams or wants to scream: “its mine all mine/ listen to me/ look at me/ or play with me”. Failing to understand: that life is not about self, but about life instead. Loneliness contributes to that; which drives the majority of interactions. But the end result is: people do not listen, until they are ready to hear about realities that are not themselves/ some never do. Because they are trying to be the superior one; knowing what you will say before you say it/ to prove they are. So they are focused on identifying how to manipulate and control you/ rather than learn accordingly for themselves.

In order to change this world, we must learn not to want; as that only includes self, and its greed, lust, lies, theft, betrayal, arrogance, apathy, disrespect, hate, terrorism, and so on.  but choose for life and world instead.

In order to change self: we each must learn respect, value, justice, fair play, order, balance, disciplines, truth, trust, hope, harmony, peace, MIRACLES, happiness, and love.

The method of doing these things: is by choosing these things! The decision to choose these things is mediated by what we desire, and the actual purposes of our heart; which lead us to soul, where love is found. Therefore we know: that all want leads to hate. Just as all love leads to respect, and the dignity of a valued life shaped by truth.

But there are again, elements of living that are applied by truth:

  1. all selling business’s, becomes equal, when forced to establish “everything in the store shall not be sold, for over ______this percentage more/ than is paid for it”. Buyer keeping in mind, there are building and utility costs, I got to live too; and so on.
  2. All workers become equal, when graded by those who do hire the work done/ payers graded as well; when those who hire the work are judged by what they do too.
  3. The medical pharmaceutical industry shall not own the patents for medicines (government will)/ they shall not own the manufacture, but shall bid. They shall submit to random testing (at the point of sale), and be in country only; when it is consistent with reality.
  4. The medial industry shall not be privately owned: there will be again public hospitals. SOCIETY shall own them; and the staff who works there shall be graded and paid accordingly. Limited capitalism sets the price; and each operation of any kind/ each diagnosis of every kind: SHALL BE GRADED AS WELL (pictures provided). Establishing as clearly as is possible “the best we can do or be”. No more suing the doctor, etc: IF IT IS CRIMINAL/ there is an alternate method of dealing with that; and it includes compensation provided by insurance as agreed upon by society. RECOGNIZING; you are paying too/ it ain’t free. NO MORE let government pay: we are government, and there are no more fantasy numbers, or outright lies to be allowed. People will be allowed to die/ REALITY will serve to decide.
  5. Every form of insulating and defining how best we can use energy wisely; which includes reusing waste heat for manufacture and so on. The list is long/ and it does require changes.
  6. Every form of recycling MUST be created correctly/ built for reusing/ fair and legitimate usage; etc. the list is long
  7. we MUST have world law, so as to remove all weapons of mass destruction/ leaving only a few nuclear missiles in international hands. FOR THE PURPOSE of “using them like a bat”/ to remove asteroids from hitting our planet “like hitting them as a ball”.
  8. No more extreme experimentation at all/ the universities shall end that forever. And be limited to what they can provide beyond words, which will aid and abet the living rather than their own greed or fantasies.
  9. Policing and the public: SHALL be provided with a bill of rights identifying what is fair to both sides. One of those thing is the removal of lethal bullets/ to use non lethal bullets instead. Unless confronted by actual lethal force. TO STOP SOMEONE/ is far more suitable policing or public defending itself: than it is to kill someone. Insuring everybody who owns these things; understands how best to stop/ rather than permanently injure or maim.
  10. The courts and all legal representatives SHALL be graded for justice and fair play; OBEYING THE LAW OF OUR DEMOCRACY, and its purposes as constitutionally declared and created. REMOVED IF THEY DO NOT. The judiciary shall not judge things like “mechanical issues”/ if they have no expertise in the reality of what is fair and legitimate. Those who are familiar with the work, shall do the judging; and make it abundantly clear: why this decision is legitimate for all.
  11. THE education of life is no game! There shall be no more indoctrination of every child; with religion as is evolution. No more construction of “university is god or great or anything other than a different kind of work”. Teachers shall “bus”/ not students; and students will obey “school house rules as decided by their parents in a vote”. Each school the property of “their district”/ no state involved; parents decide. The average school size is to be roughly 400 children/ not more. With realistic buildings NOT determined by greed or looks.
  12. Religion should become: the best we can do for us all/ based upon what humanity itself has learned throughout the generations. AS FAITH IN WHAT THE EVIDENCE WILL PROVE IS TRUE; can be found. It is absolute and certain: LIFE IS A MIRACLE/ not a damn dead parasite sucking the life out of our existence as universities religion does do.
  13. THIS IS A FINITE WORLD, and you have no right to remove the future; because your head is dead. Dig yourselves back out of the universities graveyard/ and find your life.
  14. UNDERSTAND THIS: that we all need water/ and in this USA, your experts HAVE BEEN POISONING THAT WATER; AS FAST AS THEY CAN. BY THE CURSE OF POLITICIANS AND OTHERS; who do not give a damn about life or earth. So we need to IDENTIFY BY REAL WORLD EVIDENCE; as best we can, EXACTLY WHAT THE FUTURE OF OUR WATER IS GOING TO BE.
  15. UNDERSTAND THIS: even if you drive a compact car/ driving down the highway for an hour means: THAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, for consuming the oxygen needed in that hour for 30 people to live 24 hours! THIS IS A FINITE PLANET/ and oxygen is an element; WE DON’T MAKE IT/ nor do plants or anything else. Oxygen can only be released; and thereby used. Which includes your electric car: because when adding power consumption beyond “the best we can”. THAT ELECTRICITY is generated by the worst that we use. And it ain’t free of pollution/ so NEITHER is your car.
  16. UNDERSTAND THIS: global warming is caused by humans RELEASING HEAT, from “everything they do”. Green house gases only contribute to what is retained, instead of released into space. STOP USING FIRE, beyond what is fair. And that includes AIR CONDITIONING; THE PRIMARY CAUSE. Understand this: that I am confronted with the consequences of, your failure to recognize what has value/ and accept what is true. Because you want an easy life, with pride to prove superiority, and power to make people fear, as they make you fear. So people believe what they want to believe; because that removes all truth, respect, and value from living; in order to replace that with what they want instead. Finding failure; they then search for leaders, and obey as a herd of animals does/ because the security of a cult is greater, than being alone. BUT WHAT HUMANITY HAS DONE, since its beginning: is now evicted as a reality no longer present. Because as one of 8,200,000,000 people on this planet now: WHAT WE EACH DO, does matter. So you need to stop being animals in a herd: and understand, if you don’t think for yourselves/ extinction will come. THINKING IS NOT: BEING TOLD WHAT TO BELIEVE BY MEDIA OR UNIVERSITIES OR OTHERS. IT IS REALITY TEACHING YOU; what can or cannot survive by its truth and consequences. As every truth has a consequence/ and every lie hides that consequence to tempt you into believing what you want is enough. IT IS NOT.      let the evidence decide; by demanding, what can be proven as true, in ways you do understand.

    The consequence to me: that I must now dress up, what you need to know/ as if the knowledge, was trying to make a date with you. So that you can notice a value, and act as if you care. Searching for those few who will.

    This is no game; rise for life/ or you die as a world.

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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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