war, turning the page

war, turning the page


WAR is how leaders distract society from their failures. Promising even though you lost/ we can still take their stuff, for our own; all we have to do is kill them and steal it. HATE wants to win, so they rush in “by surprise”/ when the victim is not prepared; because hate does not want to lose. When the now enemy is prepared; they insight the mob, and find their way to the back end; where rape, ravaging, ruin, and traitor live to steal from you.

The end of war requires three things: that no leader is allowed to declare war/ only a vote by all of society can do that. The military is only allowed to defend by societies decision; not a leader/ our law decides. And hate must be gathered together/ so that hate from both sides can face each other for war of their own. International forces create the boundaries and enforce it with death. War such as Israel and Hamas; is divided into those who hate shall war, and no one else shall be disturbed. Which means: those who hate join the war/ which will be fought on open ground, with 15th century weapons: until one side is exterminated; or both sides decide they will live together in peace. One way or the other/ or you shall not leave these boundaries. What is the reward? You get to war. What is extra; is decided by the warring societies in advance of death buys, what you choose to sacrifice. Want war/ have war: destroy yourselves/ not our world.

And leaders say:yes we can”/ because they believe they are “the power of nations”. But they are only “men or women” who claim to know what has value for all the rest. It is not so, and war is to be defended against/ or left to hate.

Peace NEVER joins in hate, to accomplish war. Justice never intervenes until “fair play” has been established; as the balance of what you did do to the others. International policing REMOVES POWER; to establish the law governs us all; and there will be NO leadership beyond boundaries but that law.

Therefore as a world, we must join to remove all weapons of mass destruction: so that every leader knows: your choice ENDS at your border. ONLY THE LAW, “we the world” have made: rules from here. And every leader shall answer to that law. Hate shall fight with itself. And war shall end by all of humanity deciding we shall not war again. NO leader shall force us!  THE LAW rules now.

THE CURSE OF EVERYTHING is going on, led by university knows everything, and plays god. But among the endless list of being surrounded by threats of our own extinction;  is the demand to completely wreck the future of life/ by destroying every resource, chain of life, and even the possibility of a future for any child. WORLD LAW IS:   “YOUR ONLY CHANCE” to survive. so says the evidence of our world.

Leaders decide where the herd shall go; and in this nation, everywhere you look is a leader that holds a university diploma. The consequence of that is: that the diploma led us here, because “the elite” who demand: “memorize, mimic, and repeat”/ as are the ways of a religion. Must be obeyed, as is a religion. While religion offers “just one book”/ university offers “our books” instead; are god. When all the world testifies, in every religion, every form of leadership: “that you are merely former classmates”/ who are no better than the rest. What is different about universities is simply: they claim evolution is their right to inject chaos, into everything of nature. They claim accidents are the way of life and living; so they can create any accident they want/ because evolution will fix it. They claim they can be gods, if they know just one tiny little thing/ and nothing matters but their diploma; because the people are afraid to question their cult of university is god. So the intellectual war continues, and broadens out to encompass: we will enslave them all! With debts, that can never be paid/ and a diploma they can never defeat; because as leaders, the corruption protects us all. And the children are defeated before they begin. So long as there is the endless counterfeiting of currency, the media propagation of lies (no inflation here), debts only the slaves have to pay, and full cooperation of the courts to insure: BELIEVE, FEAR, OBEY. The way of the Nazi shall not die.masks against covid-19virus mask

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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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