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The constant curse:

So, as we wait for the final “nail in the coffin” of human behaviors that evidence and reality prove: the vast majority are, “only animals live here”. The cost of university proves true: the difference of today, versus all of history before, is the reality of people playing god, with...

Instead of money rules life: LAW RULES LIFE,

Instead of money rules life: LAW RULES LIFE, by the decisions of  WE THE WORLD identifies what is needed to survive. instead of money rules society:  the game is removed, the power of money is chained up; to construct a decision. The law of this nation, as defined by WE...


The reality of our lives is very simple: the human male animals WANT WHAT THEY WANT/ AND THEY WANT IT ALL NOW; SCREAMING TO EACH OTHER: MINE, MINE, MINE, ITS ALL MINE. Damn you for trying to take what is mine/ TO HELL WITH YOU; I claim it all! Which...

The call for redress, as is a true and accurate accounting:

IN THIS NATION The foundation of our unity; is built upon one single principle. That we will not be ruled by any man or woman. BY CONTRACTUAL LAW, in democracy: WE RULE OURSELVES. The Constitution 1,2,3 verifies this as “our government” [state] clarifying citizen rights versus duties of our employees/...

This game of winner takes all

The foundation of war: is men rutting like animals, to prove who gets to claim superiority. They in fact discard all humanity, in order to play this game of “winner takes all”. The cost to every other reality of life or environment is extensive and severe; because the end result...

We also do have a duty to each other.

When shouting, I have a right to be free, the value of family remembers; we also do have a duty to each other. To participate, with truth; not playing games with life, nor by hiding from reality. Want leads to emotion/ pride leads to delusions/ power (I judge) is the...

The foundations upon which we build

Of disciplines and life; are the foundations upon which we build our relationships. RESPECT is elemental/ there is no relationship without respect; it is that simple. Truth is the foundation which survives/ without truth, even love will fail. Trust binds us together with love, as truth itself will allow; because...

Lets identify some aspects of death.

So, lets identify some aspects of death. The most critical truth is: the loss of freedom exists, at least in body/ as that is abandoned to extinction (can't have it back). To your shame; a reality of human indifference; that is removing life after life from this planet; because too...