
Substance, differences we choose

What is critical: because we cannot escape the consequences! universities say: “a nuclear energy source (4 million times more)” just like the sun/ will simply extinguish itself here. Because there is not enough gravity. WRONG means earth becomes a sun. They fail every test of truth. BUT THEY control trillions...

war, turning the page

WAR is how leaders distract society from their failures. Promising even though you lost/ we can still take their stuff, for our own; all we have to do is kill them and steal it. HATE wants to win, so they rush in “by surprise”/ when the victim is not prepared;...

Business, the design of man

The realities of business; as proven by history and today. The consequence is: when a war is not going on/ the weapon of choice is money. It is that simple; although the war with money is less violent to a body than is, other weapons of choice. It is however...

IGNITE what we need to know

The cult of university knows: GAMBLES with all life on earth, 8.2 billion human lives/ all life/ and all future life/ and even the planet itself: ARE BEING GAMBLED; by those who claim “they can see inside the sun/ and know everything; they need to know”. BUT WRONG IS: their...

The rules and realities of governing ourselves

“the living brain: means life matters more than want”. “the animal brain: means want matters more than life”. DO you see the difference: “because universities do not”! And have led us all along the road of our own destruction; by altering what works for life, into what they believe, will...

This is a finite world

We do stand “at the door of destiny”, in this day and time on earth. Not because I write it; but because there is endless arrogance, apathy, and disrespect for both life and world. As every cost of making life into a game; has become filled with consequences which cannot...

Human overpopulation

So, lets argue: people look around at any open space, and say: “we have not begun to fill this planet”/ there is room for trillions more of us. But alas: each person needs drinking water, each food everyday, “for a hundred years”. Each wants what they want, and will fight...

Framework of games

Truth decides: means, we/ or I, have accepted the reality, that miracles prove there is more to our existence, than humanity comprehends. Therefore carefully integrating our lives into the framework of what life and living can be; requires that truth will decide, based upon the reality of laws that do...

Plague of bribes

It is the plague of human society, that the cost of human beliefs; want someone else to make the decisions demanding “make us rich”/ so that they can blame these people when something goes wrong. It is the disease of the human existence; that there are always people demanding, “listen...

Changing the way we live

The value of life; is not a game, as has been decided by men, throughout all of history. INSTEAD, the value of life is life/ but life itself has little value apart from the treasuries called love. Therefrom we learn, that by turning this world away from games, and the...