The worst that a human can become is: to be defined only by want, pride, or power; because these behaviors isolate that individual into hate, and hate consumes reality; by turning to pride makes everything a game/ want makes everything a lie, therefore unimportant as to consequences for being wrong/...
That life arises from the law/ not from power.
It is critically true: that life arises from the law/ not from power. The essence of energy, is at its core “a chaos”. But law identifies within that turbulence, a foundation for discipline, order, balance; and the environmental conceptions needed for thought. Living in time, is not distinctly life; but...
We are bankrupt, and without security in any form
The simple truth is: WE HAVE been cheated as a nation, by those who claim to be our superiors; as is “university is god/ university knows how”. The REALITY has proven: not only did they not know how, but the only thing they did know how to do for life...
BEGINS with “let me do the thinking for you”.
EVERY CULT/ EVERY ARMY/ EVERY FRAUD/ EVERY TEMPTATION, PROPAGANDA PURPOSE, NAZI, OR ANY OTHER VERSION OF FAILURE: BEGINS with “let me do the thinking for you”. As is the mass hypnosis of media/ the human control over news/ the curse of governments/ the failure of courts; and so on. Social...
The reality of our lives is very simple: the human male animals WANT WHAT THEY WANT/ AND THEY WANT IT ALL NOW; SCREAMING TO EACH OTHER: MINE, MINE, MINE, ITS ALL MINE. Damn you for trying to take what is mine/ TO HELL WITH YOU; I claim it all! Which...
Universities as god: “is begging nature, to take away your face, and more”.
Fear: is the demonstration of pain or loss, or its consequent reality of what that means too, or as is; on the inside of each one. LOVE is the demonstration of life beyond self, a reality so consequential, that even death does not compare; with its truth. Because love makes...
The distance we will travel, until the energy is gone
Life in time, Is the distance we will travel, until the energy is gone/ or desire fails in us to complete the task of living. So the question is WHY does this task exist, and how do we survive if the energy is gone, and what is the value of...
The call for redress, as is a true and accurate accounting:
IN THIS NATION The foundation of our unity; is built upon one single principle. That we will not be ruled by any man or woman. BY CONTRACTUAL LAW, in democracy: WE RULE OURSELVES. The Constitution 1,2,3 verifies this as “our government” [state] clarifying citizen rights versus duties of our employees/...
The constant reality of human behavior
Of things to be understood; is the constant reality of human behavior. The animal wants: pride, and the power of saying “me/ me/ me, damn you ME”. And this extends, all the way down into conversations: which assume, “in just one or two words: you know everything, that I might...
We just need to make them fear us
In the real world of life versus death: the constant battle of nations is, “we just need to make them fear us”/ and then they will either give us what we want/ or stay away because the price is to high. Simple as that. Weapons of today have changed that...