


Within the framework of life, are these three examples of the human cult that is “university knows. Illustrating the critical composition that is: arrogance melted their brain/ and the “professor” shit in the cavity that was left; creating the disease that is “we believe we are gods/ and will prove that by changing anything we can.”

item 1: when confronting “doctoral students” about the consequences of mutilating genetic nature/ the cost of NOT being able to return life to life. THE ANSWER OF THREE; was, “not to worry/ evolution will just change life into something else, in a billion years or so”. (which is absolute disrespect for life and world and human existence).

Item 2: when confronting doctoral students about the consequences of igniting “just like the sun NUCLEAR FIRE”; demanding their answer to what happens is this goes WRONG? THEIR ANSWER was “not to worry”/ not enough gravity here to sustain the fire; so it will just extinguish itself. A MILLION MILE LONG FLAME ON THE SUN BY THEIR OWN DESCRIPTIONS: “WILL just extinguish itself”. (a level of ARROGANCE so vile, and so utterly compiled by the belief they were gods), no conception of truth could exist in their fantasies and delusions as failure and fools do.

Item 3: when confronting doctoral students about their belief in evolution is god/ religion in their acceptance evolution is god/ and the general public who have been indoctrinated to believe evolution is god. Confronted with: LIFE NEEDS ALL OF IT TO SURVIVE/ AT THE VERY SAME TIME. THERE IS NO “SHOPPING” OVER BILLIONS OF YEARS. No blood/ you die. Heart does not work/ you die. Bones do not create and distribute themselves and you die. No skin and you die/ no intelligence embedded into the brain to work the machinery of a body called life; AND YOU DIE. Yet the greatest apathy of all; is “who gives a damn/ WE WANT WHAT WE WANT”.

And that is just the beginning; of fools and failures creating CHAOS and its death of this whole planet: because the end result is: “humanity wants what it wants/ and has no evidence of a brain in use.

So the call went out, to all forms of human endeavor/ to a multitude of differences in people: PUSHING INVESTIGATE AND PROVE WHAT IS TRUE/ DEFINE THE COST OF BEING WRONG.

And they all said: WE DON’T CARE!

And as is the constant of this day: YOU CAN’T PROVE THIS IS A DYING WORLD/ UNTIL IT DIES. THEN, “WE WILL listen, if you make us rich”.

So then: IF WE LOOK BEHIND, what drives the people throughout history, to curse themselves, the world and all life surrounding them, to curse the future; and condemn their own lives. WHAT WE FIND IS: “I BELIEVE”.

It is not religious: because religious is limited to “how life began/ and what life could be beyond time”.

Rather it is the curse of “superiority: as elevated from arrogance/ apathy/ and disrespect” of other life: that curses us most of all. Belief literally means: I WANT WHAT I WANT/ AND I DON’T WANT ANYTHING, but what I want. Therefore what I want IS “god” to me. As that is the road of all animals; as they follow and group together as both predator and prey/ with only a few exceptions to the rule. FOLLOW ME/ LISTEN TO ME/ BELIEVE WHAT I SAY/ AS I AM “the superior one (expert)”. As will be followed by “MINE/ MINE/ MINE/ ITS ALL MINE”. And of course; “you can’t have nothing”; which then turns beg into revenge.

Or more simply: people claim, “I know something you don’t know/ and that makes me superior”. Basically saying: “water flows downhill”/ THEREFORE I AM “god”/ because I know so damn much: after all, “I said it first/ even if you claim to have known or thought the same”. ITS MINE, ALL MINE; DAMNED TO THE REST/ ITS MINE.

People use that claim EVERYWHERE; the universities claim it/ the politicians claim it/ courts and policing claim it/ education demands it/ media shouts; “listen to none but me”/ parents claim it/ the powerful (demanding to judge) and powerless claim it (demanding I have been judged; unfair) religion too, because actual religion is not enough to keep the herd intact. People want a leader, because they don’t want to take no responsibility for their own lives/ THEY JUST WANT TO BE RICH. So they follow, BELIEVING they will get more for themselves if they do this; as is the constant of politics in all ways and forms.

Or more correctly:

  1. universities believe: I will prove I am god. I will dry every tear, by being your god.
  2. Politicians believe: I will prove, I can get you what you want. You don’t have to cry.
  3. Courts believe; listen to me, or I will make you cry
  4. policing believes; do what I say, or I will make you cry.
  5. Education screams: I am your god, listen to me, or you will cry.
  6. Media shouts: BELIEVE IN ME, I am your voice, I am your eyes and ears and mind; YOU ARE NOTHING without me. AS MAKES ME, “your god”.
  7. Parents believe: “they built a child”/ I am your god, which does transform itself into devil. Because you did no such thing.
  8. The powerful SCREAM; MONEY MAKES ME god/ listen to me, or I will make you cry.
  9. The powerless SCREAM: MAKE ME RICH/ so I can curse those who cursed me and mine; and made us cry.
  10. Religion believes: I can have more money too, “if I just go along with the herd and give them what they want”. Or as a cult which claims to be their god; but lie.
  11. The herd believes: IF I NEVER MAKE A DECISION THAT REVEALS WHO I AM/ then I am the innocent one, and cannot be used for a target. But you are also the useless one, and will be thrown away.
  12. LEADERS SHOUT: I CAN MAKE YOU RICH, follow me/ do what I say/ discard the rest, and BELIEVE. But it is an abyss; as proven by our dying world, and coming extinction. Because they turned into cult worshipers who will believe anything the universities say.

So in real world terms: it is belief that causes 90% of the worlds failure. The other ten percent or most heinous acts of violence are all attributed to HATE. As belief and its failures, lead to hate.

Truth decides; or its a lie.

What about the children? They too believe in their parents, because they must in most cases. Tied to their parents for survival, it is where the herd originates: as if we don’t believe what we are told/ we will be shoved aside, and die. Which when enforced as a truth; because the ferment of slavery/ the end of life, because I died inside. And men believe ADDICTION to the chemicals of sex; will sustain them/ and women believe manipulating the chemicals men are allowed to receive as sex will sustain them. And children get caught in the trap that is: “do it or die”. To the shame of all.

How do you rise above it all? TRUTH DECIDES what is true, with the clear and certain reduction of evidence to “this is most likely to be true”. Want be damned; because it is nothing more, than how to hide your life from reality!

The most constant demand to hide: is death and old age, AS IS the enforcement of death/ has consequences. So what is true of life and death; which is where religion is suppose to offer solutions/ should be an escape. But universities have taken over religion with evolution/ and religions SHOUTED; “we believe”/ because we can say that evolution is our god too; as most do; to their shame.

Even so, people hide in belief by creating wants; and they create wants to hide from their reality; which expands “the globe” so to speak, with everything from hiding from love to hiding from hate, to all that life is.

We then look at the plague of organization tragedy, that is constant throughout history: which begins with government, and the demand to hide all things under one single blanket to remove the individual criminal, and claim an army instead. Of the most insidious curses throughout history is “government”, and its propensity to declare a leader will decide for us. Who then builds an army to remove those who complain/ and if that fails propagates the purpose of rules, so they can become RULER. Rather than leader. Liars throughout the entire complex of “disposal of the evidence”/ by experts through media; and the curse is completed by an educational system whose entire purpose is to indoctrinate every child into the cult of religious insanity; as is “university becomes god over life and world”. NONE SHALL investigate or deny that fact/ IT IS A BREACH OF “BELIEVE/ FEAR/ OBEY”. OR there will be consequences.

Unfortunately for most of the world, government has been replaced university rules behind closed doors: orchestrating government through the various insurgencies that disrupt, disgrace, deny, and disrespect all of life and society. Producing TERRORISM, TRAITOR, THIEF, CHEAT, LIAR, FOOL, FAILURE, WHORE, HATE; and in its final throes of mental breakdown: SATANISM. The demand to destroy all life and earth/ as the evidence proves is being completed at this time. By using bribes as the method tolerated best; by the people of the cult/ who believe they get something for nothing; in exchange for their “silence of the lambs”.

Little in history competes with the global scale of war against the entire planet itself. The only real event which compares is “NOAH’S biblical flood”. Which has been proven true; by fossil fuels we burn today/ NO other method exists to establish those “resources”. It is absolute proof. Just as absolute proof of SATAN, is proven by the intent to “ignite ATOMS ON FIRE”, just like the sun; hiding that fact of extermination/ through fantasy, and a media/ political delusion of “university is god”. Imagination is a curse/ because it hides, and is intended to hide: the truth.

Second on the list of Satan is: to mutilate all of NATURE, by injecting chaos into the very soul of life as a body on earth. Refusing miracles with evolution: the sewage leaking, from its university born hell.

And the people say: “WE CAN’T DO NOTHING/ LEAVE US ALONE”. BUT reality replies: not only do you have the law to stop all of it in this USA. YOU REFUSE to accept: there is no such thing as government, university, media, or any other delusion being hidden under the covers of belief. BECAUSE THEY ARE EVERY SINGLE ONE: merely individual people, who either break the law/ or enforce it. Which means YOU CAN IDENTIFY: HATE.

So then as reality proves true: we can go through “ten thousand more” CONSEQUENCES of universities lead/ or just abandon what has been lost to the failure of fools; liars, cheaters, whores, and thieves/ focusing instead on what will save our planet and its life. As begins with ALL EXTREME EXPERIMENTATION SHALL END IMMEDIATELY/ no excuses are allowed, every single bit. Which will then be reviewed: as time allots, and humanity decides.

NONETHELESS: we must find ways to think.

  1. Obviously WORK NEXT TO WHERE YOU LIVE/ NO COMMUTE; is fundamental; to all things. Which puts reality back into “small communities are best.
  2. Which recognizes small independent businesses are best.
  3. Which understands; that communities must accept “high rise apartments” are best/ and must be improved to be the best realistic places to live they can be. Which will include restaurants instead of individual refrigerators
  4. which understands: that numerous local grocery stores, bakeries and such can provide what we need: as the past did do.
  5. Which accepts the premise: all children are educated locally, and it is the teachers who will commute.
  6. Which honors the values of “being green”/ and looks to high rise garden as will be designed to go up the building; numerous other design changes like opening the elevator shaft on the roof to create up-flow for the building; capturing some of that energy by fans generating electricity.
  7. Which accepts public transportation must be vastly improved; one such transition is the use of high rise buildings to move people up and down: so they can access ramp-ed vehicles, and let gravity move them a few blocks; another building same to come back. Which should be enough for at least 90% of transportation needs.  REBUILD YOUR CITIES to make that come true.
  8. Demanding of all participants in plastic production: they shall pay the price/ for recycling and all damage: which will be trillions to start.
  9. Demanding the use of global commerce shall end; as each manufactures its own. By recognizing; as it is with my utility truck. Which basically consumes the oxygen needed for its engine: is roughly equivalent to what one person needs to breathe in 24 hours/ per mile. The concentration of oxygen is paramount to our existence.
  10. Demanding THE FUTURE NEEDS RESOURCES/ and this world SHALL make amends for the billion or more people it DID CHOOSE TO ANNIHILATE, in the future; by stealing their resources.
  11. And a billion more.
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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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