


Living now suggests, that life is being separated, into what can become female/ and what cannot. As my existence seems to be, more of an out of body experience, than ever before. So the question is: what will GOD or, the spiritual woman of Revelation 12 do; with me? I do not know, and it is clear to me: that my living has been influenced by things beyond my scope of understanding. It is also true: that without “a divorce/ tinnitus/ a blood clot/ and various other impacts most do not experience: mine would have been a very different life”. Better or not/ influenced “by a different world”? Who can say! So, even though “tough on me”/ there was a value found.

As the reality of my expressions, in response to my choices: may well have been, to bring what is: “the fertilizer / of my life ejected; for your life instead of mine”. Can you climb beyond an animal/ to be a living human being alive in the respect for miracles as is our world: or not? It is not my job to know? The universities are insistent: YOU CANNOT/ YOU ARE ANIMALS. But life knows, that is completely untrue; unless you accept the dimension of your heart is nothing more than wants, pride, or power. As is the cost of human history, and all its wars. Being alive is then not for the majority; as they will tell you plain: “they have better things to do: bills to pay/ property to buy/ lust to claim/ or even people to kill, betray, or terrorize; instead of being alive”.

Even so, I did what I could do: I gave to you what I could give, from the experiences and expression of being human alive. And for fifty years, you said: “I won’t care”/ nor will I share. But I would not change me/ and you would not change you: and together we now face the future of your choices and mine. You with extinction all around; even though you won’t admit to it, because your gods of universities don’t allow for that/ and their media priests merely shout “tiptoe through the tulips” instead of understanding life; as all cults do.

As for me: I chose to enter the spiritual world of female/ because male had no answers “after a ten year search”: to keep this world alive! And today, the cost of that decision is: I no longer have a choice. Life will be, whatever it is to be. And I look into the future: at 71 years old, and know beyond the simplicity of death/ there is the reconstruction of life owned by female instead of male. Whatever that is to mean? For you/ for me/ for a future in eternity that has changed; whatever it is, I DON’T know. But for today, I simply am confronted with “not the owner” anymore.

So the question is: WHAT will death do to male? Or WHAT will life do to female, as change begins? Because believe it or not; the change in forces, has begun, and I have not a single clue; what that truly means to me. Male is going to die, as is true for all of us/ it is not a choice; and whatever is true of eternity will decide our destiny from there. It is a fact, when all choice has ended: because the body itself is evicted from time.

Which asks: if this body were to become female (a revelation thing; previously discussed)/ does that mean, I will have any part of being female too? Not a clue, however there are aspects of my existence that suggest now, some elemental degree of me, (the identity of my own truth)/ will remain as female. If this life on earth, continues to change.

So we ask: because the primary purpose of my entire living as life in time was dedicated to “changing your direction/ SAVE THIS WORLD”/ why would I jeopardize that, by letting you ridicule me; claiming “HE IS NUTS”; with this kind of talk? Answer to that is: if you have no found “intelligence and stability” in the majority of words already written. Then there is no hope you will find intelligence in yourselves; as the cult of universities rules your life; by stealing your brain. “zombies, by popular term”.

We could review the curse of universities: but the evidence is conclusive, “there are: threats of extinction all around”/ and the possibility life on earth will survive, is actually very small. So they have proven themselves: SATAN on earth/ because that means, those who lead, to destroy the world. After all did they not build weapons of mass destruction/ are they not mutilating all of nature/ do they not try to ignite the same fire as on the sun here (claiming to know fantasy/ rather than truth); discarding law, to prove delusions lead not life. So no, I need not do more to clarify: you are the living dead/ and if time has not run out for you. The point of no return is so very close as to be no longer important.

I therefore return to my own life; and ask what can I do, for my own eternity? Because it is not my choice anymore: breaking the law of boundaries; the limits of our living existence in time, by finding and trespassing into the spiritual world of female; ended that. I no longer own me/ alas, female does. NEVER intended, as my only purpose was to help women survive too/ but law is law, and that is final. So now, I am in a quandary of what comes next; because you must be female to understand that/ and I have never been or wanted to be female instead? It is a complete surprise. Even if it was needed/ and it was: as proven by the evidence of my own writing: breaking the law, remains as breaking the law, and I am not allowed to return back to male; the entrance was blocked; there is no hope.

So I return to the death of male; either in time, or some other physical sense of changing as female demands the body to be? Not a clue.

Nonetheless: we all die/ so the question is: what can I now do, for the sake of eternity; because the end result of this is, “that male and female are considered completely equal”/ even if it is a whole different world of realities never before considered by me? WHAT will be my contribution to female life; now or eternally? No, its not sex. Surely something else is to be contributed: and as my entire life would testify if it could/ saving this entire Creation of life from extinction; is where my heart lives. Surely so, spiritual female as well.

And the answer to that quest is: that I have no clue what female could or would do; with me? Got to be female to understand female or define what her answer might be; and I just can’t do it? Its true; I literally just can’t do it/ not me! So, I guess I just give up and wait for whatever it is she will do/ and whatever it is, I will become, as the result of being far closer to her world, than I ever intended to be. I guess that is what she is doing: literally introducing me to “female”/ not male. But that requires death of male (can’t be changed); as there is no translation of parts and pieces/ forces and means; to change what has been. It simply has to be removed. Not a choice I had intended to make. But it seems no other solution is possible, and somehow it will be necessary to try? Not a clue for female/ but male does understand death. No it is not suicide; but greater change is not possible. “its a quandary (no solutions/ directions/ etc; exist; as of yet)”. No prediction at all; love must decide. Because that is where the heart does live.

It was desperation that led me here/ rather than a choice. But that makes no difference to the reality of it. Truth is, as it always is: what it is/ as the evidence will prove true. Identifying the laws involved, makes truth real; at the core of thought itself.

Critical then is: WHAT does the end of time, really mean? Obviously it is the end of body choices/ the end of enforcing what you want to do/ the end of controls by your own definition of body or even identity; because you no longer own the body of your time. And that does include the mental compilations of “what do you believe”.

But then there is life, and reality must ask: IS THAT LIFE, (no longer fixed to body) now something different than male or female?

Answer: I think not/ but barriers created by opposite forces are. Therefore they remain within the confines of what was male OR female. Limiting the disciplines of life, to an order that is consistent with the force which brings life to our existence.

So when I die; either to time or to male: WHAT then?

Truth will decide, just as it does for you/ and truth cannot be changed: therefore whatever is to be eternal, must be found in time. Consequently if I am to become “female”/ it will be in time, or beyond the realities of law that govern us all now. Its complicated, and I know not how it all ends. But there is a reality of my own existence; that is becoming female “in parts and pieces of time”/ and I have no real clue how that became real? So, is time transitioning from male to female? Is male dying because of it/ does male continue to exist in a spiritually all female world; or does he just vanish forever instead? Questions yes/ answers no; just how it is.

I then review: the elements of eternity, that are known to exist. As is force rules the universe/ and our connection with force is as the kinetic result of push (male)/ or the female result that is pull as is associated with dark matter. Asking the question: does that mean male is tied to a supernova event of exceptional kinetic: push energy/ or is female tied to a black hole, as is the evidence of: pulling energy? The correct answer is no; as these are consequences of forces, under the laws which control them. TIME however is the basis or foundation of distance that an energy will travel based upon the existence of force which moves it. All time is associated with an atom/ therefore is the atom, our connection with life? The answer is no: it is only the result of our connection with time/ not life, but movements on earth.

So then where does life exist? The answer is within the force that causes motion to exist. Consequently: it is conceived as the dimensional space that is constructed within an identifiable force, that is separated from the whole. The spiritual world is then those forces combined/ while the eternal universe is connected to: how does this force relate to our existence/ and why is it “life”?

We do begin with time, as it is our connection to reality. But time is in itself, not as simple as it sounds. Our energy in all probability comes from the reality of water/ as it is used to create the functions and foundations of a living body of life. Just as important as air/ just as important as food or thought. So we see in water the ability to transfer energy to blood, and from there to the cells of a living body/ which then allows for movements; which are the sign of life. The animal does not conceive of, or consider the cellular truth: that we are a composite of life/ rather than the identity of only one life. Because every cell is a living existence required for our survival in time/ “a chain of events” so to speak; which keeps us alive. But animals only want, and with that want demand pride, “life is a game”/ and with that game focus on hate as the result of not getting what they want. While thought considers and conceives of “the orchestra of living mass” that is the concentration, or chain of living, which becomes the fuel, of our own identity. Not want/ but life instead. A reality few humans understand.

We then turn: to examine life. There is no energy without force/ and there is no motion without opposing forces: “for every action, there is, an equal opposite reaction”; is a law. So what is force; because we know it is not “e=mc”sq” or the formula for kinetic energy with speed as a constant. FORCE creates the energy of motion; which can then be measured as time.

Identifying force (prior to time) is not wise or called for; as you are foolish and blind/ as universities play god proves without a doubt: utterly stupid and a fraud. Death is the conclusive assembly of time; into one distinct event that decides your eternity. It is not as universities claim “dust to dust”/ unless you fail eternity entirely.

Which leaves us with: what is the dimension within force, that becomes identified by life? Or what is more important is: how does eternity interact with “your individual truth”? The question is: CAN YOU/ or can you not: complete the demand to survive beyond time, with what you have accomplished in life as is essentially “the fuel” needed to survive beyond self? The critical question is then: if force is removed from time/ did you, or did you not: “go with it”? Because without that fuel source, your existence will vanish just like your body. So we then know: that death brings with it, “an immediate choice”: to either go with life, as a participant in its force/ or remain as death upon this earth, and vanish as the corpse rots away.

The critical truth of that: gives to the existence of life, WHAT IS, MOST VALUABLE to you? And the critical truth of that is; we must not interfere when people are dying/ because to create an enforcement to stay; corrupts their eternity. If they fail to go with life/ then they ghost until lost. Ghosting can cause trouble in the living; but only for a short time/ you cannot help them; they can only steal as is their intent: refuse all. And attack only among those who are known by the spiritual world; as am I.

While force cannot be invaded: which makes life a true gift. Humanity can be invaded; or you must discard the “infection” by turning away from want/ and letting the barrier erected stand. There are many barriers erected by humanity; and it is want that separates us from life. Creating only time instead, and its leveling of life as an animal is. People like the fence row (standing in the middle) of never making a decision for yourself/ so that you can scream: “I am the innocent one”. But it is not so; never making your own decision/ is never making your own truth; and life will fail, because no excuse is allowed. Only what is true can survive; which is why the spiritual world exists.

Which brings the question: am I simply completely stranded in the female world: to bring some sort of question to women, about men? While man has no say, or authority of any kind to refuse? WHY, would I be trapped here? I am absolutely confused? Lost and adrift, in a world I do not understand; is not the ending to my life that was expected. Which would of course prove: “expect nothing”/ because it is not your right to decide what truth will be. Only what you will or will not add to that truth is your decision. So the question returns: WHAT could I possibly add to female truths?

From a world of “yes I know”/ to an entire universe of “ not a single clue”; starting over somehow is, the only solution possible. Yet I don’t know how/ or if it is in fact even possible. I know: Off the track for now; but that too, is just how it is.

Or maybe: I am pulled into a female world, to learn how to be female/ by female; with parts (tits) and pieces (“not me”, elements of behavior) that cannot be avoided; for whatever it is, they need me for? Because I don’t know/ am willing to help as male; WHAT could be left?

While I do understand that this is: COMPLETELY beyond self/ so much so, life cannot be recognized; and I must rely upon truth. I have no idea: why? It is baffling; without direction.

Or maybe: it is not about me learning to be female at all/ but the opposite: of female learning about male; when life has traded places. Which leaves me with, “just going to throw male away when done”? Or what? I am, “in the dark (cannot see it coming); whatever that will be”. Not a choice/ I would never have guessed; any of this. Completely different, “to me”. I know not how it ends. Or will change what is true in me?

Or, could it all just stop; and give me my life back?

Reality speaks and proves, by all that is truly a miracle: it is love that brings us all into this life/ and it is love that allows for an opportunity to share in eternity. Love is at is core essence, the truth of respect/ even if living must endure the cost of time. Love brought to us JESUS as the example; which separated love from hate/ and gave us all the knowledge: we do have a choice. Even providing the testimony: love is a treasure sought, by GOD . therefore the quest is not for time, or its cost; and nobody paid higher than did JESUS.

I am certainly not that; So, whatever must be, simply must be; regardless of why. I have no clue?

and the world says to me: “we hate you”. Because they refuse to change/ refuse to learn/ refuse to think/ worship the cult of universities play god/ and believe nothing bad can happen so long as universities lead. After all: “no consequences for us”; as is the cult way; and all of humanity SCREAMS: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT. By assassinating the future, with every child cannibalized; because you could “ransack/ rape/ ruin/ and destroy every resource they needed”.

So, I say back: that the point of no return, when even the child has no further chance to save this earth/ you will cry. But it will be too late: because HELL has arrived. I can do only what I can do; which is teach there are consequences for every single truth. There is no going back/ reality will come.

This foundation for change will end: without real participation, come January 1, 2025; if I am allowed. Letting you sink into the swill and stench; of “university was wrong”.

If allowed: it may be, that I will at that time begin to unleash to you; “inventions” you want/ and you need when defeat comes. But will cause you to curse the day you were born; because they also allow for decisions that will let the dead lead, and the last chance for life to disappear forever. Because you can then avoid the truth of what you did do. While it is true you want them/ it is also true; avoiding reality will sink you into HELL. As the cost of being wrong begins to multiply rapidly.

It will be no blessing.

Because just like the counterfeiting of currency, the open fraud of debts: AS IS A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY, AN ATTACK OF REBELLION AND ANARCHY, fully intending to destroy this USA/ where did the money go; “the university; and bribes to leave us alone/ as we empty the vault”. Along with the disgrace of debts as is the constant of history, WHY: TO MAKE SLAVES/ because, you will never pay, nor was there ever an intent to pay: REALITY comes first/ and this is a dying world. That demands: CHANGE YOUR WANT/ OR DIE.


by creating and enforcing civil war, to prove you will never rise again. where did the money go; “the university; and ITS bribes to leave us alone/ as we empty the vault”. Along with the disgrace of debts as is the constant of history, WHY: TO MAKE SLAVES (WE don’t have to pay)/ because, university knows, will never pay, nor was there ever an intent to pay: ONLY to enslave. claiming as emperors do, “you owe/ we are superior”.

REALITY comes first/ and this is a dying world. That demands: CHANGE YOUR WANT/ OR DIE.

Why stop? Because human failure is like a bleeding wound/ unless you walk away from the cause, it could become worse. And if you don’t fully take care of it; it could become diseased, and threaten you. Better to walk away, hate is not worth the price. And like all biological infections; “we cannot see it coming”. Therefore it is wise to insure as best we can: the safety of self.  as of this moment in time, I do continue:  to remain responsible for self.

Of life’s lessons: it is discipline, doing what you can to create your own life and living; that ranks very high, on the list of things we can trust about someone else. While order is necessary, its primary asset is to show someone else, that you are doing what you can; to invite them into your own life and living. Balance however keeps hope alive, and without hope there is no real substance of love. Respect identifies “we/ not me”; and that is elemental to the truth of who we can become as one. The essence of trust illuminates our lives, and we are one; committed to each other; because the evidence has proven we care, and will share the values of our lives and our work for this service called family.

Family shapes the definitions of what our years can become; sharing time, becomes the evidence we are as one. But then comes greed, selfishness, pride, power, want, trophies, toys, turning lives into trinkets you then put away for safe keeping/ and other forms of letting the world change what family or friend can be.

We work for ourselves, but we work for our family too/ our society is secondary, but it matters; because we need fair and justice to find peace. That means it is very important what the law is/ and who enforces what law can elementally be. Corruption is the pandemic of every civilization; the conspiracy to deny truth, and create chaos; brings the collusion as intended by every criminal allowed to join.

But that brings hate, and with hate spread throughout society; the next step is violence. And it becomes violence throughout; because leaders lead with lies; as is fantasy money, and delusional superiority, ending with the people who use power to play god with life and world. Letting “experts”; poison our world, and kill off everything we can, do, or would love with our respect.

But the essence of this particular writing: discards that, to confuse and deny that life on earth matters. When the spiritual world will take control; in death. Yet people say: “it cannot be”/ believing whatever they want to believe; because it is their own belief, and they will play god over what they believe; just like people in power do. I would argue, as religion does: that there is an eternity, functionally proven true, by the critical evidence of MIRACLES; the life we live, and live with. Because evolution is such a horrendous lie, without a shred of real world evidence/ that is bears no resemblance to truth. To your shame, the curse of a universities cult: spreads it through the education and media empires they control; and use to indoctrinate their religion called evolution; on your children.

So they say: PROVE there is an eternity to be conceived of/ WITH REAL WORLD PROOF. Because like everything threatening this earth with extinction/ by their standards: NOTHING can be proven until this world DOES IN FACT DIE, and is no more. Removing all life by extinction. As will come. “with ten thousand facts” that can be proven true. And yet the world of humanity will not accept it as true; even though they know they cannot deny it. With real world, you can touch this evidence! Because they all prefer the delusion of universities: “no consequences for us”/ make the children pay our debt. LEAVE THEM NOTHING, as is the constant course of universities play god on earth; and destroy nature, curse earth, and violate every form of respect that can be known. As they search for a biological weapon to kill the rest; because that is now our reality. As they search for making robots to replace you; as their slaves. But will fail in that as well; because it is entirely feasible: they can soon be able to organize and condemn you instead.

I don’t fight with believers anymore: your prison walls to keep the others out/ are your own. And when I have breached them in the past: all quickly return to their prison, but the door won’t close now; and they hate me for it. So no!

The consequence of that to you is: there will be no real world proof of eternity/ because no matter how conclusive it is: as all believers do, they SCREAM, WE WILL DIE/ BEFORE WE CHANGE”.

Making truth a game, rather than an element of faith in what life can and will become.

So we do look at the other side: to decide that life and world do matter, and there is nothing but respect that can assemble the truth of what can we do to save our world, and its life. Finding this world in extreme danger; by consequences without true cause: the critical choice of defying reality, and screaming: KILL EVERY CHILD instead/ they cannot stop us. Because we are gods; as is “the university way”.

Truth then demanding: to educate and use the law, to stop greed, selfishness, insanity, betrayal, terrorism, and outright satanism, from its purpose as is to exterminate all life but themselves. Enslaving those they can with pure propaganda and fraud, the lies of the dead; as are spew n throughout this world; by media, universities, and their cult of worshipers; as is so many in powerful positions. Because the animals rule life on earth: predator/ prey/ and the middle shouting LEAVE ME ALONE/ just make me rich (silenced, with a bribe); I WANT WHAT I WANT. And so the bribes took away the brain, and the sewer opened to reveal nothing is left of life, but failure.

So we turn to reality: seeking in male the foundations needed to turn this world from its extinction. And could find only as all of history proves true: “this is the best they will do”. And it is extinction, because the thirst of men is: TAKE ALL WE CAN GET/ and that ends with war, as the losers find themselves to be slaves now. So universities build the constant curses: to exterminate life/ as “devils (we won’t care; about nothing) want”.

Reality then turns to women: as the last hope for life and a living world to survive. Finding in them, the constant betrayal “ I WANT, so many things/ GIVE ME WHAT I WANT’. As is the majority. But even so; a few exist as do men; but only a few.

What then can a few who remain among the living: do, to save this earth and a future for life itself? The answer is law, because nothing else will survive the turmoil of what has been done. How then is power taken away from the pride of a cult? Answer, in this USA democracy: WE THE PEOPLE DO have the legal authority to call for an investigation and choose for ourselves, the path of our democracy that DOES NOT betray our nation. But it is not free. So “they all run away and hide”/ ready like fans to say “hurrah”; but none willing to commit to a life that is functionally necessary to demand we must change our ways. Those who are alive will stand, those who want the herd will not: simple as that. The children who will be exterminated: want what they want too, and they need their family; so they cry foul, but can do nothing else.

We then see in the future: what will happen without change/ as is the evidence proven true. Humanity will overrun everything with overpopulation, and cause the world itself, to die. They will run out of water, and war a grievous war. Universities will play god, and find themselves SATAN, because that is what they chose. Governments will unleash weapons of mass destruction. All ocean life will die/ and every chain of living will surrender to death. Because you chose to kill this world, consuming the oxygen/ unleashing the atmosphere/ heating the planet (just one day too hot, and life is dead forever)/ and more. If in fact on any given day, and at any second of that day; those trying to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun: are allowed to incinerate you. As earth becomes a sun/ altering even this solar system, as is “destroyer of a world” does.

So, I sought answers among women, who refused/ gave up and sought just one question from the spiritual world of female: WHAT would you do? And ended with hope, no matter how small/ was provided with balance, as was needed for this work/ and found In the critical methods of teaching you; what was needed to complete the work. Because she (revelation 12:1) would not let me quit.

Which means: I do owe her/ but I would never have guessed “everything”.

and the human corpse of universities rotting from their own experimentation’s, knows; SCREAMS, you cannot make us fear/ YOU ARE NOBODY a nothing, a plague of irrelevant truth; we are “gods”, and our cult will MURDER YOU.  because, when the cult cannot claim to be god anymore/ violence is what will be used to keep the followers, as slaves.

But distraction aside: I am not trying to make you fear. ALL THE EVIDENCE IS PRESENTED BY YOU.

What I am doing is: presenting you with information, much like, what was done “by universities; the few who remain alive”. With regard to global warming. Experts are bought and paid for (ANYTHING YOU WANT); “counterfeit money is free you know/ the slaves will pay it”/ who said: quote, “you can’t prove anything”/ until it is too late to change the truth. Consequence; the point of no return, passes us by; and extinction will rule. And the herd said: YES, WE WANT WHAT WE WANT/ AND WON’T PAY ONE DAMN PENNY, OR MAKE A SINGLE CHANGE; because our gods have spoken/ and the priests of media fill our brain with what they want us to believe. As animals, who surrendered their soul.

And religion hides, because they cannot run away. Instead they pretend trouble does not exist/ the universities are god, so as not to make enemies/ and leads their people in the way of animals: “we believe what we want is enough/ so long as we have a book to blame”.

Our world is not orchestrated by GOD AS IS plainly evident in your freedoms to decide, create war, greed, failure, and extinction for this whole world. YOU DECIDE/ YOU TAKE WHAT WAS PROVIDED BY THIS EARTH; and cause it to fail, because you just don’t care. Literally SCREAMING: MAKE ME RICH (so I can have slaves)/ as is what rich means. But most fail, and then many choose revenge as is the predecessor of apathy & its hate. While many succeed in what they want which is to gain the bribe, and buy a trophy; as the world dies from arrogance. While all shout the chant of “university is god”; as is NOBODY STOPS US, we will make the children pay “with their lives”. “god” gets it all!

Separated from that: it may be true, that GOD or perhaps the spiritual woman I am given too. Has in fact orchestrated my living; so that the path I traveled taught me what I needed to know. It is hard to say, but it is not necessary to know. What is important is: CHANGE AS A WORLD OF HUMAN DECISIONS/ OR YOU WILL DIE, as extinction takes over your lives. Because universities are wrong: every truth has a consequence/ and every child does not deserve to die; so that you can pretend to be rich.

Even so: truth decides our destiny or fate, and it is forever true, that I did choose my own truth. Even if, I truly did NOT understand the consequences of that decision. Regardless, it is in fact “my truth”.

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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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