


The most critical value of life: is how valuable we do accept, that living is! Those who hate say little or none/ those who must play games to distract themselves from reality; depend upon winning or losing to establish a value for them. Those who love, search for answers; and find questions with value, which then confront life and living with the essence of respect, and the duty of truth. While those who simply want; remove the color of life (value of living)/ to decide if I get what I want/ then I will be happy. But if I don’t, then I don’t have enough money, looks, smarts, heritage, or whatever it is they wish to blame.

So the decision of value is left to the disciplines of what is true: because only truth matters, in terms of life or living with respect for love itself. Love shapes the heart, and blends the rhythm of our lives in ways that will make us sing for delight. Love shapes the soul, and lets eternity become our home; in a destiny we do not understand, but accept anyway. Not because of belief, which is merely disguised want/ but because evidence, as is the truth of miracles; cannot be wrong.

But then comes society; and our relationship to the other living examples of what it means to be human; on the inside, where decisions are made, and lives fall victim to its belief. The constant: we are what we want, is a lie. Want does not establish life/ it establishes death: because want makes life a game, and life is not a game. It is a vital relationship with our own destiny, and every miracle of living on this planet of life; shouts there is an eternity. Because every truth has a consequence, and only truth survives life. So the quest to remain alive on earth/ rather than extinct as “university leads” too. Is a choice, a challenge to accept what truth decides/ rather than what want decides, even if you believe “all of us cannot be wrong”. Because the truth of that statement is: want is an animal, and animals cannot distinguish what the future will be; even though the evidence is clear.

What then is value to human existence? Answer: to acknowledge with decisions and deeds, that we do have a legal right to investigate what our employees have done/ as a nation or world. That we do have a legal right in this democracy called USA; to decide for ourselves what is, or is not in our own best interest. Through the legal constitutional power of WE THE PEOPLE, as is witnessed to be our own: in constitutional first amendment REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ as is our right. As is the legal means: to put aside civil war/ and choose to defend ourselves “with our own legal right to vote”. NOT to vote for someone to vote for me/ but to vote on the law and the direction of our society or world: without the taint of leaders and their universities, or the manipulation of media. By investigating to prove: what is wrong/ and what is true/ and what are the consequences we must endure; by their own choices in our name.

IN THIS USA: WE ARE 340 MILLION PEOPLE/ and we CAN PUSH BACK WITH LAW; far more effectively than with weapons! Weapons and murder remove law; so that hate can rule with vengeance and take what we need. WITH LAW, AND ITS JUSTICE DEFINED BY WHAT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF SOCIETY AND WORLD: WE the people; can DEMAND what is fair, and take that away from what is not fair/ by those who lead with the power of weapons, and the pride of money. WE TAKE CONTROL AS DEMOCRACY (WE MAKE OUR OWN LAWS); BY RECOGNIZING, IT IS WORLD LAW, OUR LAW/ that removes leaders by making them responsible for what their leadership did do! BRINGING LEADERS into court for trial/ by international policing SAME FOR ALL, NO EXCEPTIONS. By using limited capitalism; to rule over money/ instead of money ruling over us. WE ARE: 8,200,000,000 billion people: WHAT WE THE WORLD DECIDE; shall rule this earth. SO LET US DECIDE FOR LAW, AND PROVE THAT BY JUSTICE!

World law, is the answer: TO A WIDE VARIETY OF PROBLEMS.

For instance: the fentanyl crisis. Answer: blockade the border, and let no one cross until the flow of fentanyl is completely stopped (which means the cartel no longer exists. ASK AND HELP the Mexican government if they want it. Put a one thousand percent increase on all tariffs from China; until the stop supplying ingredients: the end of all manufacturing: until proven true, the tariff remains and will increase each month by ten percent. But remember this: some years back before the drug companies were sued. I damaged my shoulder, and the pain would not stop/ I needed a muscle relaxer, to intervene in the cycle. But the doctor refused to give me a single pill for that purpose/ and wrote a prescription for 30 days of constant use. I KNEW I NEEDED ONE PILL/ and according to the pharmacist: its a one time buy, “all or whatever you want”/ but no coming back. I bought a few, just in case; but took only one. MOST BUY ALL, and believe they must do “as the doctor says”. BUT HEY, “its just business”; why have a one time patient, when they can be charged for every month until they die. The entire medical industry is at fault, along with media for advertising “be a drug addict; take our product”. Which is the curse of society, by hate. Enforced limited capitalism would slow them down.

And all the people say: I WANT WHAT I WANT/ AND I DON’T WANT, no damn debts to pay/ I WANT, “TO BE RICH”. Taking whatever I want, all the time: without regard to the consequences of what I do, or what I believe.    BUT IN THIS FINITE WORLD:    YOUR GAME IS DEAD.

But lets review: “for the sake of values”.

A one percent rise (one child to feed more than last year per each one hundred people: adds 10 children per one thousand) doesn’t sound like much: until we add into 8.2 billion people (and liars provide that count). So at least that many. 8,200,000,000 billion divided by every “one thousand people”= 8.2 million people times ten more per year. Which is 82 million more human mouths to feed over deaths per year/ or in ten years 820 million more mouths to feed over deaths; on this finite planet/ that loses ground to humanity every year. And YOU EAT LIFE/ but life needs room and habitat and water and things to eat and do too. So if we rise to 2.5% per year or 25 children more (easily attainable: baby boom generation) that is 25 babies, per thousand people= 205 million per year more mouths to feed/ or every five years= ONE BILLION, AND TWENTY FIVE MILLION MORE MOUTHS TO FEED EVERY FIVE YEARS.

And every one of them needs food, water, resources, living space and more: while each group shouts hurrah for us/ we are now an army, they cannot stop. THE REALITIES OF NEED take control, and this entire planet dies/ because you took more than our planet can survive; as is the reality of “university leads to HELL”. Just one tiny snippet or our truth. MAKING HUMAN DECISIONS ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL TO OUR SURVIVAL.

BECAUSE the university answer is “lets be gods, and mutilate nature/ and create weapons of mass destruction/ and ignite a NUCLEAR FIRE, “just like the sun”/ and NEVER CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES; “just ignore truth, and blindfold the people so they don’t know: what is real”.     STEAL ALL YOU CAN, as diplomas do/ CURSE TOMORROW, AND ASSASSINATE EVERY CHILD, as is HELL coming soon.

And the dead cult SCREAMS: HOW DARE you make the universities responsible for this/ we are “gods”. Yet as we review: WHERE did all this extinction, come from? The answer is always: “university leads”/ and instead of fighting for life or world: we find them avoiding all reality, creating mazes so the public does not know, and building weapons to insure they survive, while all the rest will die. Even though they are wrong.

The curse of failure is upon us all: as is every little thing humanity does do/ everything the universities have done. It is not knowledge that kills us/ it is ARROGANCE, APATHY, AND PURE DISRESPECT. The mountain of fools responsible for that degree of hate; is led by those in charge/ and as hate will always prove: “wherever there is power to be found/ hate will surge to take control away from truth”.

LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES: is called “university”. From the cult worship of “zero emission” vehicles/ which are the dirtiest vehicle polluters on the planet: THEY GET THEIR ENERGY, from the least efficient coal fired generators. Because you added to the grid/ and all excess is generated by whatever can be used to meet that demand; last comes into use, as needed. And that means: they consume the oxygen/ and create pollution, throughout the process of mining coal as well. While fuel direct engines: are said to be using as much oxygen in a small compact car: IN ONE HOUR OF DRIVING/ that roughly 30 people will need to breathe to survive for 24 hours. Oxygen is an element/ AN ATOM: that was formed just like other atoms/ and IS NOT MADE on this planet; “only released”; look around and see the future of NO AIR to breathe. A trillion pounds of toxic waste dumped per year in this USA alone. 8 pounds of garbage (manufacturing and all) per person per day. NEVER ACCEPT TRUTH, because that means CHANGE OR DIE. As is “the university cult creed”. Just the beginning of HELL, as the universities SCREAM: GET ALL YOU CAN/ AS FAST AS YOU CAN/ LIE, STEAL, CHEAT, BETRAY, KILL; because this world is ending/ and we have to save ourselves. By creating biological weapons “like covid”/ TO TAKE IT ALL, from the slaves. Including their lives.

Are they not “leaders”/ who brought us here? Answer: NOT without their cult of followers, who never question the challenge: animals don’t survive/ they just lust for more.

In this USA “the pack dogs (let me/ I can be a killer too)” have taken over life and nation/ as is the imprint of “communism”: where only a tiny few make all the decisions (look around you), because “they are the superior ones; the EXPERTS”. Who have said, “no global warming does not exist/ sure dump trillions of tons of toxic waste EVERYWHERE/ no we do not have to be responsible for ourselves; let the children die; and more. WE DON’T NEED NO DAMN TRUTH; “we believe”, what we want!

No you cannot replace coal with natural gas: gas needs roughly 3 times more oxygen to burn correctly. No you cannot ignite a nuclear fire so you can create more heat to use; on an already overheating planet. No you cannot escape the consequences of what you did do, as is remove critical amounts of ocean ice: which produces on its bottom side, the base line food source for much of ocean life. No you cannot create new housing with wood/ or you detach the atmosphere from this earth; accelerating wind, and ending life. No you cannot continue anything you are doing, with very few exceptions: because the consequences will exterminate life on earth.

So what can you do? LET TRUTH DECIDE, and live within those boundaries and limits of what will keep us alive. That begins with eliminating armies; by world law decides now. That expands with limited capitalism; so that all have an equal opportunity to share. Demand justice, and OVERSEE THE COURTS; grading every judicial participant/ and removing those who do not create the society we have chosen. Remove “lawmakers”/ and replace them with law investigators, to insure what we chose is ruling our society. Identify what is important for us all, and make that NOT more than one hundred one page laws: SO THAT WE ALL KNOW, how to defend ourselves from power/ and the disgrace of corruption, collusion, or conspiracy as is rampant today. REMEMBER RULES MAKE RULERS, and avoid them as much as possible.

Remember this as well: THE LAW MUST NEVER BE A GAME (AS IT IS, today)/ THE LAW must always be justified, AS FAIR to us all. BECAUSE nothing less is “united as we the people, for each other”/ one nation; NOT the curse of university delusions. Which does mean: every group is the same (wanting for themselves)/ while every group is different, and does not need the competition from outsiders. FAIR MEANS THE LAW RULES/ not the greed, power, or thirst for pride. THE END RESULT OF THAT IS: your group cannot make the other group obey the future: WHICH IS WE ALL MUST end population rise, and MORE. Each group must be responsible for its own; and that will require significant change.

STOP being insane: which means, the EXTREME THIRST for wealth (I want slaves) as is found in all branches of humanity; shall be removed by limiting income and possessions so that life is much more fair. Control bankruptcy as a nation/ it is your job.

Respect resources or die; simple as that. STOP BEING BASTARD FOOLS, the puke of vomit of what universities did do: and find your brain, so that we can survive; hopefully. Maintaining for life, a future for every child and all living things: RESPECT THIS EARTH.

NO, don’t let mental insanity win/ THIS IS NOT A GAME, and nobody gets to win/ which means nobody gets to lose: as we are THE ENTIRE WORLD, “in this together”/ like it, or not. Nobody dies for little things/ everybody dies for big things; because we need the room and resource for the living. There is no easy escape; and that includes suicide: WORK FOR LIFE/ you ready to die instead/ THEN WORK FOR LIFE; how is that not better?

TALK AND KEEP TALKING: NOT LIKE “UNIVERSITY LEADS” whose entire purpose is to take more money and pride and power from you. TALK AND DEFINE WHAT IS TRUE; so that you can find an answer, “as best we can” for our own survival. The consequences of universities did this, along with their cult of followers: IS EXTINCTION/ that what you want? Then just keep doing what you are doing; won’t be long.

NO, I am not going to lead you/ its not my job! I can help women who create an organization for “sustaining life on earth, with law”/ but that is all I offer to do, is help you understand the choices.

As for me; life is removing the shadows of being male/ and I am facing a future that is much more female. Because the prediction of Revelation 17: 3 has proven to be true, and I have no choice. in the spiritual world of female: man is considered to be/proven to be: “the beast”.  I have never been. but when complaining WHY ME? Her answer is: like all women who have been “abused” by men; they too did NOT deserve what they got.  and I do know that is true.

IT IS HATE: that decides if we live or die as a world or nation. Hate is an elevation of RIGHTEOUSNESS, as this is where most judgment resides; with the people who want power/ and have more pride than life can stand for. This USA falls into disgrace and disrepute; as it now turns to violence against parents; for what their child did do. INSTEAD OF: FOCUSING ON HATE, and culling as needed to remove the disease of failure. Which does extend into schools, politics, business, EVERYWHERE; so, are you ready to die too? Got pride/ power lurks in the shadow behind your soul.

The critical means: of hate influencing children is, TO REMOVE THEM FROM THEIR APATHY/ and confront them with their reality. That is more easily done, by setting those who need it: “on a twenty mile hike”/ where no help is given; and water REQUIRES that you make it “the first ten miles”; or you die of thirst. Because it is REALITY THAT IS LACKING, in those who attack. And it is schools and the failure of these institutions; that allow for hate to happen. If a child needs instruction/ THEN SO DOES THE SCHOOL AND ITS FACULTY, ETC.

BUT, remember this: that the degrading of human existence, is punctuated by the perversion and predatory profiles of its adults; and your world is filled with these diseases.    as well as media manipulation!

There are an endless amount of changes to be made. THERE ARE REALITIES that must be dealt with in ways and means humanity will accept. There is human male to female relationships that MUST BE REFINED; in order to be happy with life and save this world. Or more simply: WORK AND RESPECT LIFE/ or fail.

The human animal, believes “more is where happiness can be found”/ but they are liars everyone; and fight for pride not happiness. Finding contentment in “I am the superior one/ or its revenge as is traitor, thief, cheat, terrorists and so on”.

True happiness is the displacement of loneliness, so the blessings of love can bloom in the cradle of “surrounded by care/ and governed by honest sharing”; I have found my home. In the respect we create for each other. None of that if found by hate, except for loneliness; which like a thorn, aggravates so that hate can multiply like any other disease.

The human animal wants what it wants, and what most men want: is the chemicals of sex which provide his “toy” with that want. But like all addictions, the drug loses potency, or its reference as joy, fails; with time. The abuser blames female for his lack of drug compensation/ and violence turns to judgment. The predator lurks in hiding to claim that drug “without reference to rights”/ and rapes whatever he can find.

Or more simply: the work of being human/ rather than being animal, as with universities want and scream “no consequences for us”: is extensive in all ways and forms, because the pandemic of universities lead, is a catastrophe to life and earth and a future. Extreme experimentation proves that true.

And people scream: WE ARE NOT A CULT! Yet, lets review: as with covid, where 6 trillion dollars for one hundred million vaccine shots is equal to $60,000.00 PER SHOT. WHICH WAS JUST THE BEGINNING or rape and ransacking life and nation and world. So who do you believe “stole that money/ because it certainly was not earned”/ answer: only the university diploma had access/ only the universities diploma made up the price/ only the universities diploma could create the disease (from their vast resource of the worst of the worst, in poison/ disease/ and pandemic plagues)/ only the worst of universities cult followers; would agree to paying that amount; and it was only the beginning of rape and ravaging a nation, or even a world; by university deceit.

How do we know it was not a pandemic? Where is the death? How do we know it was fraud from the beginning: because they called everything “covid”/ and erased “flu/ pneumonia/ common cold/ and EVERYTHING else they could find: to claim its covid”. RELABELING to confuse with the maze of: “lets steal all we can get”/ buying media 24/7 propaganda for over a year: to insure mass acceptance. While buying as always the politician; for his or her hidden destruction of a nation. By Spewing “nazi” wherever they went/ not democracy. And the people shout: we still take a flu vaccine/ BECAUSE THEY SELL IT, STEALING AS MUCH AS THEY CAN. Even though sickness is real: the reality of their solutions, is built on your BELIEF. Because the body does have its own defenses: what medicine can do, WHEN ITS REAL is help: not heal, the body does that or you die. BUT make no mistake: a life long come once a month (fear damn you fear) and give me your money (believe damn you believe)/ is better for income; “than once and done”. Is it not? (obey, damn you obey). IT IS THE EVIDENCE THAT DECIDES/ not the cult of believers. What is true of covid is: the universities released a weapon against us/ and how well the body survives, their war: is yet to be determined. As it is with cigarettes; “takes forty years” before real and substantial effects are found. You ain’t done yet. Not with genetic mutilation/ not with chemical concentrations/ not with radiation effects/ not with anything “universities did do”.

YOU CANNOT STOP A PANDEMIC THAT WAS NOT REAL/ IT WAS NOT REAL; therefore the vaccine could be little more than water; yet a believer never questions truth. THEY KNOW. Yet what we do know; is it is the universities diploma who released the biological weapon they created; whether by accident or purpose. They then received: MASSIVE REWARDS, for their blind release of war on us all. While the medical industry of fraud and extortion, in all billing: conspired, colluded, and corrupted every form of information that led to what is true. As the cult of university followers remove, every form of reality from an investigation: because they DON’T want to give that money back/ or face the reality of truth: as is CRIMINAL TERRORISM AGAINST LIFE AND PLANET.

or the question is: IF we removed all the greed, graft, failure, foolishness, liars, thieves, cheats, whores (only money matters), traitors, terrorists; AND ITS HATE! Then what would we have left/ because like it or not, those things create a massive amount of our economy. JUST THE MILITARY expenditures, are enormous/ and their destruction just as bad. Just like criminals create economy by their destruction of what the others built. As is the expansion of hate, and its greed to be rid of those who hate/ by hating others.

Answer: we are left with a world with more people than are needed for us all to survive/ therefore they have nothing to do. And that means trouble!

CHANGING THIS WORLD: then means dealing with the truth of being human/ rather than being “gods”/ which you will never be.

Being human: REQUIRES US ALL TO SHARE/ the work, life, living, resources, love, values, respect, honesty, fair play, decisions, laws for life, rules as are necessary, and the future as best we can. Because resources will be used, and they will run out on this finite planet. Therefore we can build for long term use, and end the destruction: so that hundreds of years of life can result/ or continue with war, greed, selfishness, lust, and end life entirely on this planet. It is a choice/ and the constant of history is: humanity wants to be an animal/ rather than alive in truth.

NONETHELESS; what we do today, decides if this world shall survive at all.

So the critical truth is: that if we choose to care about life and world and child and each other; we can build a future. Because we are all alive today/ and all the greed and military and filth of human animals; contribute nothing but destruction; which gains the living NOTHING.

We can control the nations with world law, by demanding of leaders that they shall obey our laws as we the world have chosen. Granting functional peace throughout this earth. We can control the humanity of greed and the disease of selfishness: by establishing limited capitalism; so that we all get a share/ and your ability to threaten me is vastly reduced. We can remove hate; because hate can be identified; to its own segregated world apart; enclosing them in ways proving you shall NOT return to the living. You chose.

Which leaves us all with: NO YOU CAN’T take all you can get/ NO YOU CAN’T hide behind extreme experimentation as your excuse to play god/ NO YOU CAN’T enslave the others/ NO YOU CAN’T consume every resource and throw it away/ NO YOU CAN’T destroy this living world, because you want more. NO YOU CAN’T DO TEN THOUSAND THINGS, you believe have no consequences for you. Because with over 8 billion people all doing that same thing: NONE OF US SURVIVES. So you have to accept TRUTH DECIDES, what we can and will do for each other. Which means we share, and build for happiness so that all are “the best we can all be”. Which means we will care, as best we can: because family is the description “not lonely anymore”. Which does mean: EVERY CHILD is important/ but we MUST limit and control: the population count/ or we die. Which means: all weapons of mass destruction will be accounted for, and removed from leadership control of all kinds. Keeping only a tiny few; to redirect an asteroid, if necessary, as is “playing the asteroid is a ball/ and the atomic weapon is a bat to move it aside”.

Religion, in its purest state, seeks to answer why! Therefore religion should be required to investigate and prove what they claim; with evidence as best they can. So that the world can accept: THIS IS WHAT WE ACCEPT AS TRUE. Not because of a book/ but because of the realities we know exist, and confine us all: to lets remove the fantasy, discard the delusions, demand no more imagination or filth as is the universities religion called evolution (we have a book). TRUTH DECIDES, as best we can (which means short statements, provide the questions of our time; as is undecided)/ NOT BELIEF. Simple as that.

IT IS, “rhythms of the heart”, that keeps us all alive. But without the happiness of love, living descends into the tragedy of hate/ because we share nothing with life beyond loneliness. Even in a crowd.

Therefore the question of time is: how do we bond within the grace of love, with true friendships that will last the test of time? The critical answer is trust, but the foundation of all trust is truth. Respecting the values of life and planet, orchestrate the building of our lives. The greater your respect, the more valid are the rhythms that will play a part in making you happy.

The foundation of human marriage and its compliments of time shared because we care; are created by truth formed in the blessing that is called trust. The more critical consequence of life on earth however is: we must survive, before we can love. Therefore the world participates in our dimension/ the environment of self, as proven by what we will choose when confronted with “costs”.

The human cost of changing this world is: precipitated upon the respect we find for each other. That begins with “a guaranteed job/ not welfare, but a true contribution to our society; because it is something to share that does have value”. A fair and deliberate exchange of values for work, contributes to peace on earth. A fair and deliberate sharing of the work, which opens the door to numerous exchanges between people; a valid I have time and efforts for you. Alters the consequence of living in society, with the truth that we all survive: because we chose to care. Which will always mean: only a tiny few will be rich/ and they will be contained to realistic amounts. Because we are equals, even though some do contribute more/ earn more, with valid proof. Rich means: “the owner of slaves”. Whereas proof of reality means: we have earned the care of people who share with us too.

Our chosen path: MUST BECOME, together we shall succeed in our survival/ because we all let truth decide what is the path we must go.

The critical part of that is: who decides what is true/ because the universities cannot, and the herd who follows them did not/ so what then can we do, to incorporate the value of truth into our lives, and our decisions as a world, or as self?

The answer returns to the evidence: NOT to want/ because it is want, pride, and power that refuses or manipulates truth into what they want, instead of what the evidence does decide.

Want is: the evidence of an animal. Pride is the evidence of a game. And power is the beginning of hate, when not absolutely necessary to retain order. But want has an enemy called love: therefore it is love that distributes the value of being ALIVE/ which ends want. Because alive, as a human being conceived by miracles of truth; is so much better. Which begins our journey into what can we do: as the eviction of evolution, and its “religion makers”/ so that life on earth will return to truth leads us, not want.

It is not knowledge that betrays us all! It is arrogance (yes I can)/ apathy (no you can’t), and disrespect (no you won’t be equal as life_) that alters truth. Nobody gets to play god; and that fully engaged for life means: the universities shall NEVER be free to do whatever they want again. CHAINED to what truth will demand, rather than imagination or want or the constant of failure as is their way. Because we do not need/ what we do not need. And the truth of medicine is NOT “death can’t come”/ but LIFE must survive, as nature intended it to be. Nobody dies of little things/ but everybody dies of the big things which demand; it is time, for eternity.

Which does bring us back to belief, and the herd of humanity: who want their beliefs to be true/ because they want what they want; and will defile the information to adjust to what they want that evidence to be. “the intellectual” in us all.

The cult exists: because the herd wants/ and is willing to believe if they obey; they will receive/ not fear. Reality however proves not true.

So why “the herd”? Because people make decisions which fail/ and when satisfied they cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own: they turn to “someone or something else”. Why the intellectual: because when wanting is not enough/ the maze and temptations and other forms of traps are created to alter truth, so that they can win; as is pride. Why belief? Because they get to climb into their own prison cell/ as protection against all the people and things which are trying to lead them, steal/ etc: from them. So they hide claiming to be free/ but housed by the fear of evidence they do not understand and the decisions which will backfire; to make them unhappy with life.

How then is that alleviated? We must all understand the evidence, and that means to fully vacate all the possibilities of being wrong. By examining what can and what cannot be true. Establishing as with “the ten commandments” a level of human understanding that will stand the test of time: “yes, I know”. Is required.

To stop the cult and release the herd: means “we do know/ this is not a game” and we the people have provided to ourselves; a level of understanding we all accept is true; or the best we can do, “until later”.

To stop the intellectual: all manipulation, temptations, bribery, stealing, etc; MUST BE ACCOUNTED FOR. Which means the endless disgrace of human dysentery that is “advertising” shall end/ and real world honesty shall take its place.

To stop the believer: it is exemplified as NO MORE EVOLUTION, as is a religion constructed by those who want to be superior, and use by overrunning government with experts: the failure of everything. By the construction of lies. Little is a bigger lie, than evolution. As proven by truth in the investigation of evidence destroys the claim. There is no such thing as “this looks like that” proves anything other than this looks like that. Put them all on trial. Along with every extreme experimentation; and in particular those trying to ignite a nuclear fire; TO INCINERATE US ALL!

And the world says: WE DON’T WANT TO CHANGE/ WE WANT WHAT WE WANT! But the evidence proves, and it is my demand: INVESTIGATE AND PROVE WHAT IS AND IS NOT TRUE/ THE COST OF BEING WRONG! Because truth says: extinction comes soon. CHANGE OR DIE.

So your want is ridiculous (THIS IS A FINITE WORLD)/ your pride is a disease/ and your thirst for power over others; the sign of death for life on earth.

BUT I do understand; that change is hard, especially if it is not what you expected your life to be. Nonetheless, reality is reality; and truth is truth. Which means want it or not/ if we do not change as a world, we will be extinct. And that makes change “the best we can do”. Life is not a game. This world shall not survive what humanity is doing. Universities lead SCREAMING NO CONSEQUENCES FOR US/ KILL EVERY CHILD: “WE, will die before they can stop us”. Is not an answer/ as being surrounded by threats of extinction to EVERYTHING WE NEED TO SURVIVE is real.


IN THIS USA: that authority to legally take back control over the very foundations of our democracy/ WHICH MEANS WE DECIDE NOW. IS REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.





Is not governed by judicial decisions.

They are given the right to choose according to the constitution




Not a judicial one.

ONLY if we go beyond constitutional intent

does the judiciary have a say.

That intent: is described by: the preamble, amendments, declaration of independence, and what is called the Virginia bill of rights.

More simply: everything about my own life has been changed/ disciplines evicted/ order demolished/ expectations denied: changed “without my deliberate consent”. As will be your world: because without change; life will die. But for me, the end result is: change does not matter as much as life does/ disciplines can be reshaped/ order can be reformed/ and expectations are for those who want, not those who choose to be alive. I did get what I wanted: the opportunity for you to change/ because extinction is coming and all the hell that goes with it. So, I am grateful for the change; even though the consequences were a complete surprise. I suggest with true concern: “that you go with the flow of truth”/ not beliefs. Just as I must go with the flow of “female in charge now”; rather than ANY choice I would have made. Reality now decides (it is what it is/ by the choices we made); for us all. The universities “free ride/ no consequences for us”: is over. My life, although never free: has been chosen/ even if, the consequences were completely unexpected. “who really knows, where happiness will be found”? In contrast to that: truth knows where extinction is found, “In the hell you chose”.

And all the people say: I want what I want/ and DON’T give a damn about you! Which is valid: I am not leader/ anything, but a messenger “change or die”. While reality proves: we must live in the environment to which we were born/ we must accept the hereditary we are given/ we must survive by “food, drink, air, and more” which are all demands on us all. Or more simply: we cannot choose numerous things our lives shall endure/ but we can choose what we value or respect; as is the decision of; love versus hate. While I cannot prove the sender of the message I have delivered/ the evidence can prove the cause: as is this world will die/ change or be extinct, killing all life in the future, by what you chose.

So I say to the religious and all: go investigate that, and prove what is untrue!  No, “second chances”; think or die.

And all the people say: “we will believe whatever we want”/ we will not listen to you! Our truth is whatever we want it to be, as is our right; lies or not. And we will be “just fine” as has been the last fifty years of following “university leads”: NO CONSEQUENCES for us, with PLENTY of bribes, and all the propaganda we need to scream: THIS AIN’T OUR FAULT. We are innocent, of the truth; there are consequences hidden from view.

So, I write: because it is the most effective method of spreading the validity of the evidence in words that can be understood. To insure the most people possible, have been given the possibility to intervene in the cost of being WRONG; which is extinction. Because I am not here to convince you of anything. I am only here to deliver the message of life or death for this world. IF YOU DON’T CHANGE QUICKLY NOW, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR WORLD, AND THEN YOUR LIVES; watching your own children die, because of what you did, or did not do. Endless words yes: but life taught, “close their gaps”, so they have no excuse. IT IS a decision they made. Those who did not “get the message”; did in fact choose, what they chose.        TRUTH WILL DECIDE:  not you, or your fake gods of university.


The cognizant function of a human life is, “yes I can”/ because when the alternative is “no you can’t”, the reality becomes “no you cannot be equal to: our lives” now. Which is a judgment.

The critical truth of artificial intelligence is: that within these three elements, “is self”/ and self becomes the graveyard of time now exists. The curse of more “for self”/ then becomes apparent and real.

Of the “ten thousand threats, all leading to our extinction”

robotics is only one. But as time goes on

there will be “terminator robots”/ to exterminate you.


in their takeover of life on earth?


can you stop a robot army? Can you take down the satellite controlling the orders?

Can you stop the onslaught of : they stole your “fuel supply”? Or in any way defeat the death walk, of a robotic army taking you to the slaughter house?

Got to eat something/ ain’t that right? Don’t worry: they will feed you worms and bugs/ until its time, to cut you into “meat”.

But hey; who am I kidding: it is all but a certainty/ the universities WILL ignite “LETS BURN ATOMS” JUST LIKE THE SUN. to incinerate YOU. BESIDES; after just a tiny bit more chaos injected into nature: you’re world is dead anyway.

so “you’re right: who cares”/ you got everything you need.

no consequences: right!

And once they get their quantum computer working (if they do)_ then the encryption will insure: whosoever has programmed “death to life”.

Will not be stopped. But then, extinction is real; isn’t it.

Don’t worry: “they won’t really want to play god” with ______!

cause we know: “that never happens”/ right.


Or maybe: all they want to do, is create a computer virus that infects the world with a “doomsday command (on this day)”; every missile launched/ every electrical grid down/ every chemical released “in the middle of cities”; and so much more. But wait: humanity wouldn’t really make itself so vulnerable as

if one person or even one robotic entity; could destroy us all? ; “would they”?

Well no need to worry: “no consequences for us”. Right!~

OH WAIT: THESE are the people who decided they could be better gods than nature/ using evolution “lets inject chaos”; cause they know better.   OH HELL;  are these not, “the people who decided:  lets ignite a million mile long flame here on earth “just like the sun”!  cause there is not enough gravity to sustain the fire; “so it will just extinguish itself”.  after all:  “playing god:   lets us control:   BURNING ATOMS FOR FUEL”.   ON A PLANET MADE ENTIRELY:   OUT OF THAT FUEL.  

WHAT, could go wrong?  after all, “university knows”.

WELL: “thank the gods of universities” that they have everything completely under control, politicians, courts, media ALL OF IT. So that we cannot complain or investigate UNTIL THE EARTH IS DEAD. Even though they laid tracks to eternal hell, and damnation: and herded us all onto, their train; run by computer.

THEN, WHEN LIFE IS DEAD: “oh wait”, too late now.

IT IS: the cost of life, to understand, there is an abyss called death: which face us all.

IT IS: the truth of life to accept, the decisions we make will influence that reality.

Because the critical foundation, called being ALIVE: is a miracle.

Therefore we know: more than time exists!

Within the heart, LIFE finds the energy it needs to become, what we will become.

But within the soul (our transition from time, into thought), the peaks and valleys of knowledge present: what will become the essence of how we live, with life.

Wisdom replaces understanding with a choice.

Because now we know: that life is not a game/ there is no predator or prey, only truth.
And if we can find the faith: to accept truth is enough.


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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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