The human disease is want; because want invades every aspect of our lives. Want turns into pride, which then becomes the games all of humanity is forced to play. But game means: there will be many losers/ and that allows “to judge and measure” each other; which does turn into hate (in both sides of winner or loser).
the constant of war; is based upon the games people play/ and that is the derivative of want; controls life on earth. WANT IS, “AN ADDICTION”/ not a truth. The means to escape reality, by creating “your own version of truth” instead.
So the real question of life or death to our world is: can humanity surrender its wants? And they all say: NO, we want what we want/ and we don’t want nothing less than what we want! But reality refuses that now: because the end result of want is: the intellectual will always decide, “LETS STEAL FROM THE FUTURE”/ to hell with every child. And that goes until the future has lost its resources; and now truth steps in, to prove you will not go farther than this. Because consequences exist.
the cost of human indifference, to everything but want or pain is: they drive themselves forward into the HELL they did create for themselves. Because they wanted what they wanted: and forgot only truth can keep us alive. Because they all said: WE DON’T CARE/ I WANT WHAT I WANT; RIGHT NOW!
And that worked for “university leads”; by lies, theft, cheating, stealing, betrayal, terrorism, and more; for decades now. But as always ends with: you destroyed the future of our lives/ and somebody has to pay. Which ends with war; because they all scream, “I AIN’T GOING TO PAY”. BUT, reality proves this will not go on/ and something does have to be done. Simple as that. And the answer of men is war; because they shout, “YES I CAN”. Until the real world of yes you did/ overwhelms and destroys the foundations upon which we all depend. Leaving a trail of destruction, death, and mutilation; as is only the beginning of what you chose to do. The price of today, as humanity screams: I WANT WHAT I WANT/ and the world itself says, this is the end of that/ or the end of this world? Choose.
And humanity says: I WON’T BELIEVE/ I WANT WHAT I WANT. We have lived, and we have played, and we have won more than any other generation who has every lived. By doing what we do! But what you did do: was ignore every warning sign/ steal from every child shouting; “let them live on what we leave”/ and completely ravage, rape, and ruin a world, to be what you want to be. Led by universities: every consequence hidden by the fraud of counterfeiting money/ and claiming the expert decides not you. Destroying every foundation of our existence as a nation or world. Using every blanket of fantasy and delusion; to hide what is true. Using media to propagate every lie, and supporting every claim; to worshiping the cult of universities as god.
So then today: with inflation descending into the lives of every family not directly tied to the constant bribes of a universities cult leadership; that intends to hide behind the games we play. The losers plot revenge/ and the winners plot what they are going to do “with everything”; as communists do. And the children hide, and the women fear, and the cursed decide “get rid of guns”, and the fool says: “we can win/and take their stuff”. Until reality proves them wrong.
WE CAN USE THE LAW OF OUR CONSTITUTION; FIRST AMENDMENT REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. AS IT WAS INTENDED TO BE USED. To divide the employees from the nation: so that the nation can investigate and prove by the evidence. DID THEY KEEP THEIR OATH TO US, THE NATION AND WORLD? Or did they not? Because if they refused to obey our laws/ then we must evict them from our employment; and reassign the future to what we the people now decide shall be changed. Because what has been working/ DID NOT WORK FOR US, BUT AGAINST US ALL. Even though the majority wanted it to be true/ reality proves: “nothing but lies and hate exist here” in what leadership has done. So we look to see who trained these leaders to be fools, liars, and thieves. And find: THE UNIVERSITIES ARE HERE, indoctrinating every child, to believe in such things as are purely lies; like evolution.
WAR IS THE COST OF IMPRISONING “THE ENTIRE SOCIETY”; TO THIS SINGULAR PURPOSE! and like prison does do: not only is everything you worked for gone or ruined/ ravaged or raped. BUT YOUR FUTURE is destroyed/ your body may be mangled/ and the resources, realities, and truths; you needed to survive, or even rebuild; have failed. because unlike the lies and fraud of “university knows”. THIS IS A FINITE WORLD, and you cannot “just go get more”! this is it/ KILL IT, and we are all DONE: as is EXTINCT.
WHO: CAN BE TRUSTED WITH WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION? THE ANSWER IS NO ONE/ BUT WORSE THAN THAT IS: This earth cannot sustain life after even “another world war 3”. IT IS A FINITE WORLD; and you have ravaged every resource/ wrecked every chain of life/ ruined every habitat/ and destroyed the peace and happiness of life with “university knows; lies & theft/ betrayal, as is the cost of your greed”. WOMD: equals “saviors of the dead”/ as is a rotting corpse, remains; so you cannot escape your truth.
the UNITED NATIONS; has had their day; to try and fail repeatedly/ because they have no real authority to act. because when it comes down to the truth of international peace; someone always wants war. IT IS, THE GAME OF MEN who hate/ and drag the rest into their soup of delusions. WORLD LAW; WE THE WORLD LAW; WE THE WORLD ENFORCE; WE THE WORLD EVICT LEADERSHIP DECIDES; WE THE WORLD ELIMINATE “NATIONS TOO DAMN LARGE”; AND ESTABLISH NOT ONLY THE MEANS TO DEFEND THIS WORLD FROM THE FANTASIES OF WAR/ BUT THE REALITIES OF A DYING WORLD BESIDES. BECAUSE WE CAN, AS 8.2 BILLION people will not be denied. WE WILL REMOVE THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION; by our own decision. THIS ENDS NOW! targeting every leader who refuses to surrender these weapons/ IN EXCHANGE FOR LAW DECIDES NOW. bringing every leader to court, who defies that law/ removing their power over us: BY ENFORCING THE LAW WE CHOOSE TO CREATE; AS A WORLD OF HUMANITY DECIDES, for ourselves. For a world at peace/ and a living world that can survive: because we protect what truth demands of us all. LIMITED CAPITALISM watches over the money; so that NOBODY gets to claim or build an army against us again. WE DECIDE BY OUR VOTE; what the limits of income/ the boundaries of property/ and who owns the natural resources of our world; by our own understanding OF WHAT IS FAIR AND JUSTIFIED. to govern our world for life!